Brief overview on "Silent Witness"

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**Mark Fuhrman reveals:

  • How, when she saw family members crippled and incapacitated, Terri Schiavo never mentioned that she would not want to be kept alive in such a state
  • The marriage of Terri and Michael Schiavo: what it was really like (including details of their wedding, which, according to one eyewitness, was “all about him”)
  • The fateful events of the day that Terri collapsed
  • Evidence that casts into doubt Michael Schiavo’s repeated statements that Terri would have wanted to be disconnected from life support – including his 1991 question, “How should I know what Terri wanted?”
  • What Michael Schiavo did when he discovered Terri unconscious – plus the curious circumstances of his 911 call
  • What the medical records show about Terri’s condition when she was first admitted to the hospital
  • Terri: did bulimia cause her collapse? Proof that she exhibited only two of the dozens of common symptoms of bulimia
  • Terri’s collapse: what may have caused it, and why several common explanations are false
  • Why it took Terri Schiavo so long to die despite the brain damage and other injuries she sustained at the time of her collapse
  • What the March 1991 bone scan report on Terri reveals about whether or not she was a victim of domestic abuse
  • Proof that Michael Schiavo was already dating other women when he declared in 1992: “I believe in the vows that I took with my wife”
  • Michael Schiavo’s volcanic temper – and evidence that he stalked and terrorized the first woman he dated after Terri collapsed
  • How, several times starting in early 1993, Michael Schiavo refused to keep Terri’s parents informed about her condition – and didn’t even let them know about occasions on which she was hospitalized and almost died
  • Michael Schiavo’s depression and suicidal thoughts: and the chilling warning his doctor gave to Robert Schindler, Terri’s father
  • Terri’s 1993 infection that Michael directed doctors not to treat – even though this non-treatment could have killed her
  • The “Do Not Revive” order that Michael insisted be added to Terri’s medical file
  • “Michael is very controlling” – as attested not just by Terri’s friends and family, but by medical workers who didn’t know Terri before her collapse
  • The affidavit from nurse who cared for Terri that testifies to how responsive she really was during her long illness
  • The handful of nurses who have come forward to describe the abuse and neglect Terri suffered at the hands of Michael Schiavo – and why only a few have come forward
  • Judge George Greer: how he consistently ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo, no matter how many inconsistent and questionable judgments he had to make in order to do so
  • The secretive and controlling nature of Michael Schiavo’s guardianship over Terri during her illness
  • Inconsistencies and falsehoods in Michael Schiavo’s testimony regarding Terri
  • “This whole ‘death with dignity’ is nothing but a big lie”: anguished statements from Terri’s brother, Bobby Schindler, who witnessed her suffering
Above all, Fuhrman proves that the death of Terri Schiavo was a legal homicide perpetrated by the State of Florida at the behest of Michael Schiavo – who, while he always protested that he was doing it all for Terri, was actually in it always and only for himself. He demonstrates that Terri died because everyone failed her: the people charged with her care, the police, the politicians and judges involved with the case, and above all the man who claimed to care for her more than anyone else: her husband Michael Schiavo. Says Fuhrman of Terri’s husband: “the control that he exerted over even the smallest details concerning her treatment, the efforts that he made to restrict access to her medical records and permission to visit her, and finally the stubbornness with which he pursued her legally sanctioned death – is extreme to the point of suspicion.”
I’m going to buy this book because I truly want it to be a blockbuster.

But, I’m not sure I will be able to read it. Everything that comes out about this case just makes it hurt worse.

I’m going to buy this book because I truly want it to be a blockbuster.

But, I’m not sure I will be able to read it. Everything that comes out about this case just makes it hurt worse.

As soon as I can I will get it too.I found a review online.I want to get this book.:nope:
But, I’m not sure I will be able to read it. Everything that comes out about this case just makes it hurt worse.


Watching real evil does that - It makes us feel worse.

I force myself to see films of the holocaust and other evil acts to remind me how truly evil and vile human beings can be without God and what the real evil looks like so I don’t mistake some pretend “evil” for the real thing.

This way, I don’t call my Political Opponents “Evil”, because I’ve seen (on film) what REAL EVIL looks like.

I think one reason LIBERALS often call Conservatives “Evil” is because LIBERALS are often the ones who avoided seeing the films of the Holocaust and other REAL Human Evil when they were in school and when the films were shown on TV (The History Channel, A & E, The Discovery Channel, etc.).

I think if we all looked at REAL Human Evil that it would be much harder to call our Political Opponents and such like “Evil”.

At least that what I think.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Traditional Ang:
I force myself to see films of the holocaust and other evil acts to remind me how truly evil and vile human beings can be without God and what the real evil looks like so I don’t mistake some pretend “evil” for the real thing.
I do, too. My hard drive would be totally repellent to a lot of people. Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen. The killing fields in Cambodia. Nick Berg and other hostages beheaded. Videos of people falling and jumping from the WTC. Corpses hung from the Fallujah bridge.

Ordinarily, I don’t call people “evil” simply for being “liberal.”

However, I think that when liberalism crosses over into supporting the people who have done evil, then liberalism becomes evil, itself.

I think that supporting abortion and euthanasia is a primarily liberal point of view, but anyone who supports them is evil, whether they’re liberal or conservative or anything else.

And this, for instance - in my opinion, this is evil:


When my political opponents lie in order to achieve their aims, they are committing evil. When our media supports the out-of-control anti-war rhetoric that inflames the jihadis, they are committing evil.

I’ve lived most of my life as a liberal with a very relativistic mindset. I am a latecomer not only to Christianity but to political conservatism. But, you know what they say about the zeal of converts. We’re kind of like reformed smokers. 😉

I’m going to buy this book because I truly want it to be a blockbuster.

But, I’m not sure I will be able to read it. Everything that comes out about this case just makes it hurt worse.

I bought it yesterday. It was very hard to start reading it. The first chapter really was upsetting, but the end of that first chapter was uplifting. Mark Furhman said that if Terri’s injuries were caused by injury or neglect, the Terri’s death is now a homicide and there is no statute of limitations for that crime.
I wonder if there’s anything new in this book that we haven’t already discovered here.
I wonder if there’s anything new in this book that we haven’t already discovered here.
Well if that is the case, it’s concise, in one place and will continue to keep Terri’s tragic death in the public eye. I have already ordered a copy and look forward to reading it.

Lisa N
I wonder if there’s anything new in this book that we haven’t already discovered here.
Ha! Are you suggesting that Furman owes some of us at Catholic Answers some royalties? :bigyikes: :whistle: :hmmm:
I bought it yesterday. It was very hard to start reading it. The first chapter really was upsetting, but the end of that first chapter was uplifting. Mark Furhman said that if Terri’s injuries were caused by injury or neglect, the Terri’s death is now a homicide and there is no statute of limitations for that crime.
I am reading it also…it is hard to read it (emotionally) but then I know he writes as a detective…

it seems that Michael is also shopping around to sell his story as a book…now…my guess is scientology will back him…
It’s good, I can tell you that!

I didn’t know that Michael went after Suzanne and that Michael’s doctor told the Schindler’s to call the police if he tried that again. I knew that he did attack Bobby at one point.

Mark Fuhrman, a retired LAPD detective, is the author of various “New York Times” best sellers, including “Murder in Brentwood,” a look into the O.J. Simpson case. In “Silent Witness,” Fuhrman uses his investigative skills to examine the evidence and records of Terri Schiavo, delving deep into the life aspect of her case, not just the legal one.

*Read the excerpt on the link above. *

Also, here are what some readers said about this book.
Get the book:nope: I got the book today get the book.The good news is this case will not be forgotten and it is not over.:nope:
*Judge George Greer: how he consistently ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo, no matter how many inconsistent and questionable judgments he had to make in order to do so *

Does Fuhrman suggest why Greer did what he did? Does he get into Greer’s ties to euthanasia groups? His connections to the hospice? The political corruption in that area of Florida?
David_Paul said:
*Judge George Greer: how he consistently ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo, no matter how many inconsistent and questionable judgments he had to make in order to do so *

Does Fuhrman suggest why Greer did what he did? Does he get into Greer’s ties to euthanasia groups? His connections to the hospice? The political corruption in that area of Florida?

David I haven’t got hat far YET(but I will).Something has me curious though.This from the book"The Medical examiner in Pinellas-Pasco counties does not have the authority to conduct an inquest.If Thogmartin finds anything suspicious in the autopsy,he will request the relevant law enforcement authority,in this case,the Pinellas county sheriff or St.Petersburg police,to conduct a furtherinvestigation."Did Jeb order the investigation on his own or did Thogmartin request it???
David_Paul said:
*Judge George Greer: how he consistently ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo, no matter how many inconsistent and questionable judgments he had to make in order to do so *

Does Fuhrman suggest why Greer did what he did? Does he get into Greer’s ties to euthanasia groups? His connections to the hospice? The political corruption in that area of Florida?

That’s what I’m wondering. So far, the reviews I’ve read say that there is a lot of “conjecture” about her collapse. But to me, the important stuff are the relationships that were happening behind the scenes, documented thanks to the Empire Journal. I was hoping he’d cite from the paperwork the Journal was able to dig up, as well as the information linking all these people (Greer, Schiavo, Felos, the sheriff, etc. etc.) together. To me that proves collusion and there should be enough evidence for an indictment?
That is very interesting. And why cops write good books. I just assumed an autopsy. The press said there would be one. But somebody had to order it. Wouldn’t occur to me to even ask who or to check to see if proper procedures were followed.

momofone…thanks for flagging me to this thread. Didn’t know it was here.
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