Britain's Ruth Kelly under siege by europe's 'secularist' inquistion

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On the heels of the Buttiglione witch hunt europe’s secularist establishment have their sights set on another Catholic public official. George Weigel has written a good article on the matter:
The Times of London summed up this change in the Ruth Kelly indictment by writing that “some MPs [Members of Parliament] fear her religion may cloud her judgment.”
                  "Cloud" was the give-away, of course. In an objective news story, that sentence would have concluded, "...inform her judgment." But in the intellectually insular world of European secularism --- which has many parallels on this side of the Atlantic --- religious faith in general and Catholicism in particular are, by definition, obscurantist and irrational. How could Catholic moral theology "inform" anyone's judgment? Catholicism, according to the settled mythology of the Euro-secularist left, clouds judgment. Or distorts judgment. Or replaces "judgment" with robotic obedience.
Ruth Kelly, myth-breaker
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