I don’t disagree with you Fix. One should not go to this movie or any morally offensive movie for entertainment. But “educational purposes” can be appropriately applied broadly. Novels and movies are effective ways for one to absorb themselves in the point of view of the actors. It is only by experience that one can have empathy (vs. sympathy) for another person. While the experience of viewing a movie isn’t direct, the indirect experience from a movie does aid in fostering at least a partial condition of empathy. Empathy is always a good as the understanding that is gained allows one to better practice what I call “woman at the well” ministry. If I can’t meet them where they are, they will consider me an “alien”. But if I can bridge that gap, I can be more effective.When is it reasonable to expose oneself, intentionally, to morally offensive entertainment? Reading a work for educational purposes is one thing, popular movies are another.
I think one can inform themselves quite well without knowingly exposing themselves to morally offensive material.
You and I probably are not disposed to minister to those struggling with homosexuality. But we might have to. Or more likely, we might have to minister to a friend or family member victimized by adultery or fornification. I’m grateful that I’ve never had to directly experience the feelings that one must feel when victimized by adultery of a spouse. But a movie that properly describes the impact of this might give me greater capability to understand the feelings of a friend or family member who is so victimized.
As Marcus Grodi said recently on his show “Coming Home”, the Church doesn’t fear the pursuit of knowledge and understanding because it holds the fullness of Truth. Concurrently, he said that the Church doesn’t discourage the faithful in gaining knowledge or understanding so long as it is always considered through the prism of the Church’s Teachings.
So long as a viewer understands and assents to the Church’s Teaching, the Church does not prohibit a Catholic from pursuing or gaining knowledge and understanding regardless of the source, even from movies.