Brokeback Mountain: It's Time to Boycott Hollywood

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Compassion, pah! I despise them! I loath them!

But I REALLY need to work on that :rolleyes:

How can to be compassionate to that which is…abominable agaisnt God???

Working on it…

Why is everyone after the Jews? The Nazis, the Arabs, the Inquisition, the, it goes on and on. We should have a gay battalion and use them to replace our troops. That way, “Ooops, another casulty.” No, thats not very nice, everone has a mother, don’t they? Hmpf, shows where they failed. Honestly, if you cant practive sexual activity in a decent, God fearing way, dont practice it! God did call us to chastity!
Ah ha hahahahaha!!! :rotfl:

Oh, goodness… That was good… :o

Now, are we SURE they are humans? I mean to say, inside, they KNOW what they’re doing is wrong, that they are wrong, that they are abominations, affronts to God’s perfect creation, dirrect insults to God! They are constantly at war with themselves, always in a internal mental battle between their conciense, and their perverted diseased flesh. Yes, its a disease. AID is a cold compared to it. AIDs isnt a sin. Better crippled in body than corrupted in mind. Now, theres a Niel Young song “we had mother nature on the run, in the 1970s”. Geuss what? Mother Nature hit back, and hard. God warned us not to put up with them, and whamoo! Right in the zenith of our corruption, he struck us down with a plauge of tremendous proportions. Now, I diagnose them with schitzphrenia, my recomendation, Forcable Treatment.

Thats why the KGB was Sooooooo delighted when they met a gay. Their own battle in their head made them PERFECT targets to be recruited.

They are the enemy of God and the enemy of Mankind. They are a threat that, if allowed to continue, will spread until it engulfs every aspect of our lives. Their existince is dragging us to hell. Comrades, suffer not the abomination! Convert em or…convert em, on way or the other.

And about em suffering from mental illness. Homosexuality IS an ilness. Sadley, we preverted Americans took it of the psychiatrice bullletin of mental disorders.
I…I…if this is real then I don’t know what to say to you besides seek help. I hope you’re being satirical.
Ah ha hahahahaha!!! :rotfl:

Oh, goodness… That was good… :o

Now, are we SURE they are humans? I mean to say, inside, they KNOW what they’re doing is wrong, that they are wrong, that they are abominations, affronts to God’s perfect creation, dirrect insults to God! They are constantly at war with themselves, always in a internal mental battle between their conciense, and their perverted diseased flesh. Yes, its a disease. AID is a cold compared to it. AIDs isnt a sin. Better crippled in body than corrupted in mind. Now, theres a Niel Young song “we had mother nature on the run, in the 1970s”. Geuss what? Mother Nature hit back, and hard. God warned us not to put up with them, and whamoo! Right in the zenith of our corruption, he struck us down with a plauge of tremendous proportions. Now, I diagnose them with schitzphrenia, my recomendation, Forcable Treatment.

Thats why the KGB was Sooooooo delighted when they met a gay. Their own battle in their head made them PERFECT targets to be recruited.

They are the enemy of God and the enemy of Mankind. They are a threat that, if allowed to continue, will spread until it engulfs every aspect of our lives. Their existince is dragging us to hell. Comrades, suffer not the abomination! Convert em or…convert em, on way or the other.

And about em suffering from mental illness. Homosexuality IS an ilness. Sadley, we preverted Americans took it of the psychiatrice bullletin of mental disorders.
Oh, please.:whacky:
Ad hominem. Ironic. Aren’t you the same person who was whining in this thread about people calling each other names?

Exactly wrong. Homosexuals are a quantum leap more promiscuous than heterosexuals, especially when discussing male homosexuals. Homosexuality is objectively disordered, and an honest survey of the data bears this out.

In terms of comparision, homosexuals as a group exhibit much higher rates of sexual promiscuity, drug abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, and child abuse than do heterosexuals as a group.

For example, one study entitled “Homosexual Parents” from Adolescence 31 (1996) showed that rates of sexual molestation by homosexual parents occured in 29% of the case studies, compared to only 0.6% by heterosexual parents.

Male-on-male sexual abuse of children accounts for about one-third of instances, even though heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals in the general population by about 20-to-1. The book The Gay Report (Summit Books, 1979) reported data that showed 73% of adult homosexuals surveyed had had sex with adolescent boys. A study in Behavior Research and Therapy found that male pedophiles who preferred male victims were sexually attracted to males of all ages. W. D. Erickson reported in Archives of Sexual Behavior 17 (1998) that 86% of male pedophiles against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.

Even among homosexual couples who describe themselves as being in a “committed” relationship, only about 4% of said couples are monogamous, and this was only among homosexual couples who had been together less than five years. After five years, the number of monogamous homosexual couples dropped to zero (see The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (Prentice-Hall, 1984).

This stands in sharp contrast to heterosexual couples. According to the Journal of Sex Research in a study published in 1997, 77% of married men and 88% of married women remain monogamous. The Social Organization of Sexuality (University of Chicago Press, 1994) determined that 75% of husbands and 85% of wives never had sexual relations outside marriage.

Even in countries were same-sex “marriage” is legal, the problems of homosexual promiscuity do not vanish. The journal AIDS (in 2003) published a study of homosexual men in the Netherlands that reported homosexual men in a “committed” relationship still acquired an average of eight additional sexual partners annually.

– Mark L. Chance.
Whew, I guess I’m not homosexual because I’m not promiscuous. In fact, I’m still a virgin.😃
Compassion, pah! I despise them! I loath them!

But I REALLY need to work on that :rolleyes:

How can to be compassionate to that which is…abominable agaisnt God???

Working on it…

Why is everyone after the Jews? The Nazis, the Arabs, the Inquisition, the, it goes on and on. We should have a gay battalion and use them to replace our troops. That way, “Ooops, another casulty.” No, thats not very nice, everone has a mother, don’t they? Hmpf, shows where they failed. Honestly, if you cant practive sexual activity in a decent, God fearing way, dont practice it! God did call us to chastity!
Yes, and if you can’t love thine enemy…

I am a mature Catholic who happens to suffer with SSA. I do not take kindly to anything said in your posts. Have you ever heard of Courage or are you opposed to that also? Because it is an approved ministry of the Church.
Whew, I guess I’m not homosexual because I’m not promiscuous. In fact, I’m still a virgin.😃

But let’s be careful, please. I did not say that someone who is promiscuous is homosexual. That would just be silly. What I did do is point out some of the evidence that most (but certainly not all) homosexual persons, especially homosexual males, are shockingly promiscuous.

– Mark L. Chance.
But let’s be careful, please. I did not say that someone who is promiscuous is homosexual. That would just be silly. What I did do is point out some of the evidence that most (but certainly not all) homosexual persons, especially homosexual males, are shockingly promiscuous.

– Mark L. Chance.

With the current divorce rate and high areas of heterosexual prostitution one could conclude that the most heterosexual persons are promiscuous also. I like being sexually inactive these days. After all, that was the original state I was born in.
With the current divorce rate and high areas of heterosexual prostitution one could conclude that the most heterosexual persons are promiscuous also.
Evidence doesn’t bear that out. Most men never cheat on their wives, and most wives never cheat on their husbands. Most marriages that break up do not do so over infidelity.

For example, a survey of divorced men conducted in 2004 in Men’s Health magazine stated that infidelity on the part of either spouse caused 25% of divorces.

It is also noteworthy that couples who identify themselves as part of a Christian marriage (whether Catholic or Protestant) divorce at a rate somewhat less than half the overall average (which is still way too high).

Also, we’re way off-topic.


– Mark L. Chance.
Evidence doesn’t bear that out. Most men never cheat on their wives, and most wives never cheat on their husbands. Most marriages that break up do not do so over infidelity.

For example, a survey of divorced men conducted in 2004 in Men’s Health magazine stated that infidelity on the part of either spouse caused 25% of divorces.

It is also noteworthy that couples who identify themselves as part of a Christian marriage (whether Catholic or Protestant) divorce at a rate somewhat less than half the overall average (which is still way too high).

Also, we’re way off-topic.


– Mark L. Chance.
My apologies but I started reading clonerejects posts and got a little upset. I don’t know where he came from.
My apologies but I started reading clonerejects posts and got a little upset. I don’t know where he came from.
Remember this important rule: Don’t feed the trolls. If you do, they never go away.


– Mark L. Chance.
Remember this important rule: Don’t feed the trolls. If you do, they never go away.


– Mark L. Chance.
So he wasn’t joking?


Right…I lost a little more hope just now…
Arg! The sunlight! Im turning to stone!!! :eek:

Just KIDDUNG GUYS!!! I apologize if I came across as rather exreamist and genocidal :rolleyes:

And I especially apologize for you who suffer from SSA(which I am assuming is “same sex attraction”?) Poor chaps. I have heard of courage. Its, bravery of sorts, isn’t it? 😉

Anyhoo, I again, apologize. We can all live together in peace and harmony, can’t we? Love eachother. Yes, lets be civil. And wear top hats. That would be totally frikin awsome!

Where were we? Yes, brokeback mountain…Hmmmm…I say…burn the film, not the actors!
Even among homosexual couples who describe themselves as being in a “committed” relationship, only about 4% of said couples are monogamous, and this was only among homosexual couples who had been together less than five years. After five years, the number of monogamous homosexual couples dropped to zero (see The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (Prentice-Hall, 1984).

This stands in sharp contrast to heterosexual couples. According to the Journal of Sex Research in a study published in 1997, 77% of married men and 88% of married women remain monogamous. The Social Organization of Sexuality (University of Chicago Press, 1994) determined that 75% of husbands and 85% of wives never had sexual relations outside marriage.

Even in countries were same-sex “marriage” is legal, the problems of homosexual promiscuity do not vanish. The journal AIDS (in 2003) published a study of homosexual men in the Netherlands that reported homosexual men in a “committed” relationship still acquired an average of eight additional sexual partners annually.
Yes…and the quest for gay marriage is all part of the charade. It leaves the impression that gays are monogamous like the rest of us. And like the rest of us, they want their monogamy blessed…baloney. The fact that they’re not monogamous works against their respectability…so Hollywood won’t show it.

And lest heterosexuals think they’re getting a pass, the death toll from fornication (abortion) is far higher than the self-inflicted death toll from homosexuality.

There…now I’ve offended everyone equally.

Roman 6:21-23
What fruit therefore had you then in those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of them is death. But now being made free from sin and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end life everlasting. For the wages of sin is death. But the grace of God, life everlasting in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Well, we all know where I stand on gay rights, so I won’t beat that dead horse. But I think you should see it if you think they are trying to appeal with likeable characters. A likeable character is Willy Wonka; all of the central characters in this film, even the daughter, as well as all of the supporting cast, are not heroes and not strictly likeable. Ennis is withdrawn and gets angry and violent easily, at things you and I might not lift an eyebrow at. And Jack’s excesses have nothing to do with a specific sex-related thing; he just takes things too far in general. The women are sympathetic, but there are times when I wanted to grab them and say “Maybe if you weren’t on his case all the time he might be more open with you”.

Some things happen to the two main characters in this film that I won’t describe, but suffice it to say that if it were propaganda in any way it would scream more “Don’t be gay” than “be gay”.
When I said likeable, I meant because they appealed to us on a very human, basic need, fallible way. Someone we can all identify with. I don’t think the movie is trying to get people to be gay. That’s just silly. I think the movie is trying to make same-sex attraction normal and accepted. If the movie’s main character was attracted to a child would you feel the same way about it?

As I stated, I have a gay sister-in-law. She is not religious in anyway. I love her and I pray for her. She has had many girlfriends and I’ve liked all of them. They are nice, enjoyable people. But I do not confuse the love of the human being with acceptance of the sin.

I saw The Woodsman with Kevin Bacon. I had no idea it was about pedophilia. They tried in that movie to have us realize that they are people dealing with an unacceptable urge. In the movie he is a deeply troubled man trying to get on with his life after a prison sentence. Dealing with a sister who doesn’t want anything to do with him, a woman who wants to help him and fighting the desire for young girls. It worked, you end up really feeling sorry for the guy…after all he’s trying! It’s all very human! Of course, it doesn’t make pedophila okay, does it?

The point is…that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We are all called away from sin. Acceptance of sin is not love. Brokeback Mountain wants to make a sinful, disordered desire into an accepted one.
When I said likeable, I meant because they appealed to us on a very human, basic need, fallible way. Someone we can all identify with. I don’t think the movie is trying to get people to be gay. That’s just silly. I think the movie is trying to make same-sex attraction normal and accepted…
Homosexual sexual behavior is not normal and should not be accepted, no matter what people’s urges are.

Even though we all sin, we should never accept sinful behavior as the way God expects us to act.
Okay, so what do we do? There are times where they choose to remain sinful. So should we continue and never give up, or let them die from the plauge they brought about?
When I said likeable, I meant because they appealed to us on a very human, basic need, fallible way. Someone we can all identify with. I don’t think the movie is trying to get people to be gay. That’s just silly. I think the movie is trying to make same-sex attraction normal and accepted. If the movie’s main character was attracted to a child would you feel the same way about it?

As I stated, I have a gay sister-in-law. She is not religious in anyway. I love her and I pray for her. She has had many girlfriends and I’ve liked all of them. They are nice, enjoyable people. But I do not confuse the love of the human being with acceptance of the sin.

I saw The Woodsman with Kevin Bacon. I had no idea it was about pedophilia. They tried in that movie to have us realize that they are people dealing with an unacceptable urge. In the movie he is a deeply troubled man trying to get on with his life after a prison sentence. Dealing with a sister who doesn’t want anything to do with him, a woman who wants to help him and fighting the desire for young girls. It worked, you end up really feeling sorry for the guy…after all he’s trying! It’s all very human! Of course, it doesn’t make pedophila okay, does it?

The point is…that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We are all called away from sin. Acceptance of sin is not love. Brokeback Mountain wants to make a sinful, disordered desire into an accepted one.
Pedophelia is very different. An adult can make decisions for themselves; a child is 1: not sexually matured and 2: not as capable of making decisions. I really don’t see it as the same thing at all.
Yes…and the quest for gay marriage is all part of the charade. It leaves the impression that gays are monogamous like the rest of us. And like the rest of us, they want their monogamy blessed…baloney. The fact that they’re not monogamous works against their respectability…so Hollywood won’t show it.

And lest heterosexuals think they’re getting a pass, the death toll from fornication (abortion) is far higher than the self-inflicted death toll from homosexuality.

There…now I’ve offended everyone equally.

Roman 6:21-23
What fruit therefore had you then in those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of them is death. But now being made free from sin and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end life everlasting. For the wages of sin is death. But the grace of God, life everlasting in Christ Jesus our Lord.
How can you say this? It’s clear you have no first-hand experience with homosexuals or you would know that plenty of them ARE in committed relationships and DON’T mess around on their partners.
How can you say this? It’s clear you have no first-hand experience with homosexuals or you would know that plenty of them ARE in committed relationships and DON’T mess around on their partners.
A Canadian study of homosexual men who had been in committed relationships lasting longer than one year found that only 25 percent of those interviewed reported being monogamous." According to study author Barry Adam, “Gay culture allows men to explore different…forms of relationships besides the monogamy coveted by heterosexuals.”

see: Ryan Lee, “Gay Couples Likely to Try Non-monogamy, Study Shows,” *Washington Blade *(August 22, 2003): 18.

The *Handbook of Family Diversity *reported a study in which “many self-described ‘monogamous’ couples reported an average of three to five partners in the past year. Blasband and Peplau (1985) observed a similar pattern.”

see: David H. Demo, et al., editors, *Handbook of Family Diversity *(New York:Oxford University Press, 2000): 73.

In The Male Couple, authors David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison reported that, in a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting from one to thirty-seven years:
Only seven couples have a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all have been together for less than five years. Stated another way, all couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships.

David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison, *The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop *(Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1984): 252, 253.

We should also be awaire that VERY FEW homosexuals are even engaged in a monogamous relationship. The 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census surveyed the lifestyles of 7,862 homosexuals. Of those involved in a “current relationship,” only 15 percent describe their current relationship as having lasted twelve years or longer, with five percent lasting more than twenty years.While this “snapshot in time” is not an absolute predictor of the length of homosexual relationships, it does indicate that few homosexual relationships achieve the longevity common in marriages.

See: “Largest Gay Study Examines 2004 Relationships,” GayWire Latest Breaking Releases,
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