Or you could just cut out the middle man and straight to the LORD. I trust He hears me. If He hears our prayers, then why doesn’t He hear our confessions? Why then would we not pray to a priest and have him send it up? Because the veil was torn when JESUS died, taking down the divider between us forever! JESUS is our High Priest!God doesn’t limit Himself to only forgiving people through confession. He can forgive people anytime they ask Him for His mercy- such as when Jesus forgave the good thief from the cross, even though that thief had never participated in any of the sacraments. But with confession, we have the advantage of knowing for sure we have been forgiven. Any other way, you are left unsure- but with Confession you have a priest standing en persona Christi who says “I absolve you” and you know then you have been forgiven which, I’m sure you know, is a huge relief and also makes you eligible again for the Eucharist.
Additionally, there is a concept called “invincible ignorance” where a protestant might be forgiven certain transgressions simply because they didn’t know any better and our God is a God of Mercy.
So your GF is not necessarily doomed for not being a Catholic.