Buchanan on Christophobia

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"It needs to be said. What we are witnessing here are hate crimes against Christianity – the manifestations, the symptoms of a sickness of the soul, a disease a Vatican diplomat correctly calls “Christianophobia,” the fear and loathing of all things Christian, coupled with a fanatic will to expunge from the public life of the West all reminders that ours was once a Christian civilization and America once a Christian country.

Americans are among the most tolerant of peoples. No one demands that any dissenting adult or child be made to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, or join in Christmas caroling, or be forced to say a prayer before class, or go to church at Christmas. The Christian majority only asks that they be free to be themselves, to exercise their freedom to express their love of their Savior as the First Amendment has always guaranteed.

But what are we to make of Maplewood, N.J., where the Columbus High School brass ensemble was ordered not to play a single Christmas carol at their holiday concert, not even an instrumental version. Parents and students were outraged. “This is censorship at its most basic level,” said student Ryan Dahn. Correct, Ryan. …While Christmas often brings forth the best in some of us, because of who and what is being celebrated, that is not true for all of us. For some, it brings forth the purest malevolence. Why? Sadly, because they do not know Him. Nevertheless, Merry Christmas – to all."

Just came home from public high school Christmas choir concert, every song except one was religious traditional, beautifully done, magnificent job by choristers and directors and accompaniment. concert was in a church, don’t know if not allowed on school property or if there is another reason, but it was a real treat, and I am really getting in the mood.
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