I think you are arguing with a wall in trying to ask for a mechanism to explain reincarnation. Rossum could likewise ask us for a mechanism on how an spiritual God can create matter. Let’s be fair and not get bogged down in such pointless typingNot if he existed in time, but God does not exist in time. Nor can time limit God, since he is eternally present. And he can act and do as he wants and yet, of course, always knows what he will do. God is utterly removed from cause and effect. He is not just a greater version of a man.
This is really not that difficult. What is incredible is to imagine the God of who knows how many kinds of universes, of who knows what unfathomable depths, loves you and me.
Although I haven’t read anything about the Buddhist sect that encourages intellectualism, here is Thich Hanh in “Being Place”: “In Buddhism, knowledge is regarded as an obstacle to understanding, like a block of ice that obstructs water from flowing”. Here is another quote from yet another book I have by Hanh: “Buddhists…do not engage in excessive intellectual or analytical scrutiny”.
This is your idea of intellectual debate, yet one more morbid Buddhist statement on the joys of dying and finally being interconnected with worms!!! Yikes, rossum. Whoever the person was who penned those jolly lines, get them some antidepressants.
But apparently you have. So perhaps you can offer us all a convincing explanation for who or what decides who gets to be a worm and who gets to be a monk.