Words of hate from an open homosexual. When is the last time Bill Hardy has peacefully stood during a life chain?Here is some reaction in the Buffalo News editorial pages.
Pro-lifers help no one by extolling hate, abuse
…Yet those were the words these folks were calling us with their signs and their voices. The people in front of the church call themselves pro-life. What a monumental joke that is. What a fraud they are. These people are pro-life as long as your life fits into their definition, their mold, of what they feel life should be.
Any deviation from their view of “normal” and there they are, magically appearing on the sidewalk like so many trolls in a “Lord of the Rings” film, protesting with their insulting sandwich boards filled with hateful slogans and slurs.
I think the president of our chorus said it best when interviewed by a local TV station. He stated that if you look at the numbers, the seven individuals outside in the cold, parading on the sidewalk, and compare them to the nearly 700 people inside the church, in the warm and loving atmosphere of good music, good feelings and love, that speaks volumes without saying a word.
Those seven people with their placards, signs and hate - and those like them - will always be out in the cold, no matter what the temperature may be.
Hundreds filled the church to support very worthy causes
Concert by Gay Men’s Chorus will help break down barriers
News missed the real story when covering chorus protest
Please help educate our folks here with Catholic teaching.
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