Sure. History is complicated. And while the deeds of our forebears may distress us, it is pointless to criticise people of a particular time for thinking and acting the way people thought and acted. Their deeds may be evil, but they were not necessarily evil people. People are moulded by their times.Well we all know every crusade had at least one other motivation for the crusaders the king of France had instrest in the crusade to weaken the count of Toulouse
Nonetheless we are not freed from making moral decisions about deeds just because people in the past carried out those deeds in the context of the times.
Kings may in the past have cut off the tongues of people who criticised them. The fact that this was commonplace at the time, and criticising the king was considered treason, means we can judge the king by the standards of the time. It doesn’t mean we can’t agree that (a) such a punishment is brutal and (b) criticising a king should not incur such a punishment.