Bush backs pro-abortion Republican co-chair

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"Bush’s backing
President Bush, in previewing his inaugural speech during a private session last week with the full 165-member Republican National Committee, sent a clear signal that he backs pro-choice JoAnn Davidson of Ohio for the post of RNC co-chairman."

Pro-life Christians need to place greater pressure on the President
to back up all of his rhetoric during the campaign. He ran as a pro-life candidate. Will he now govern as as a pro-abortion President?
While I hope that President Bush is true to the pro-life movement, he did support a pro-choice candidate in the past , Arnold Schwarzenegger. I am not sure about how he handled other pro-choice republicans.
What exactly does the RNC co-chairman do? Does a person’s stance on abortion have a major impact on the decisions they make?
Dr. Colossus:
What exactly does the RNC co-chairman do? Does a person’s stance on abortion have a major impact on the decisions they make?
Here?? Yes, I think so. 😦 But she won’t change the pro-life platform from where she stands. 🙂 She is for free markets.:clapping:


It’s just politics. Building a bigger tent to gain (or sustain) a majority. Elections are won on the margins.
Is the only objection to the co-chair? How come the pro-gay Chairman, Ken Mehlman gets a pass?
Is the only objection to the co-chair? How come the pro-gay Chairman, Ken Mehlman gets a pass?
pro gay…meaning??? Ok with civil union?? Ok with “marriage”?? Pro what exactly??
It’s politics I think. The President would favor the appointment of a Pro-Choice candidate so he could gain the support for another post that is more important. I think he is playing chess, sacrifice a pawn to gain a Knight. I don’t think he quickly has become Pro-Abortion.
It’s politics I think. The President would favor the appointment of a Pro-Choice candidate so he could gain the support for another post that is more important. I think he is playing chess, sacrifice a pawn to gain a Knight. I don’t think he quickly has become Pro-Abortion.
Catholics…as well as Evangelicals are deluding themselves by self hypnosis…that “Bush is playing chess”… that line AND EXCUSE is now over 4 years OLD…WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Can you now begin to see my concern? Is Bush truly pro-life, or have we been duped?

Can you now begin to see my concern? Is Bush truly pro-life, or have we been duped?
Oh, I see your concern and raise you a concern…

Absolutely. I am not dismissing your concern. I don’t really like this. Hopeful that it is just a political move.
If anyone is convinced that the President is 100% prolife or even 90%, then all you have to do is look at the major speakers at the Republican National Convention.

John Higgins:
If anyone is convinced that the President is 100% prolife or even 90%, then all you have to do is look at the major speakers at the Republican National Convention.

NO ONE believes that Bush is more than 90% pro-life.

If anyone believes that the Republican party is more than 75% pro-life, than they need a reality check.

A person is either pro-life, or they are not. There is not percentages of pro-life. The truth is, Bush is a pro-abort person, he believes that abortion is acceptable in the case of rape and incest, yet in other areas he would like to see abortion limited. Those babies from rape are still human beings, with God given dignity.

So we reach an agreement, we both have concerns…it is nice to finally agree. 🙂

Honestly, I really do pray I am wrong about Bush…for he is our only current political hope. Yet, the “signs” do not look good at all.

A person is either pro-life, or they are not. There is not percentages of pro-life. The truth is, Bush is a pro-abort person, he believes that abortion is acceptable in the case of rape and incest, yet in other areas he would like to see abortion limited. Those babies from rape are still human beings, with God given dignity.
Then please vote for a 100% pro-life candidate next time. Don’t compromise your integrity.

I’ll be mad that you let the Democrats back into the White House to fund abortion 4-fold, but I’ll cheer your adherence to your stubborn resolve to vote your conscience. It won’t get us anywhere , but at least you can live with yourself knowing YOU were right (prideful) about it.

I had a feeling that it was just a matter of time before you would insult me. Thanks.

I had a feeling that it was just a matter of time before you would insult me. Thanks.
Was that an insult?? Am I wrong??

There IS a point at which standing on principle becomes prideful.

On the other hand, my optimism might be confused with delusion! 😃

I wonder, when Jesus suffered His Passion and Death for us, why didn’t he just make a compromise with the Romans and Jews? Perhaps our Lord was just pridefully standing on principle.

I further wonder, when Saint Peter and Saint Paul died in Rome, why didn’t they just compromise with the Romans–or were they standing pridefully in theif faith?

The truth is, I made giant compromises when I voted for Bush the last two elections because I thought he was out only chance at reducing abortions. Yet, when I personally take the blinders off I can see that Bush is not particularly pro-life, and he has yet to save even one baby in this country. Now, he can still do some good, time will.

As for the dems possibly getting in, again the simple truth is: if Catholics voted for the pro-life candidate, then the dems would not get back in. The problem we have is a failure of faith. Catholics are no longer Catholic, and that means people like us try to search for compromises, yet Jesus never compromised in truth! Nor did his apostles, or many of the saints throughour history.

So, if it is prideful to stand firm in the truth, then I guess I am guilty as charged. Yet, I feel like I would be in very good and Holy company.
I wonder, when Jesus suffered His Passion and Death for us, why didn’t he just make a compromise with the Romans and Jews? Perhaps our Lord was just pridefully standing on principle.
Whoa. See your analogy, but God Incarnate and…Bush?
I further wonder, when Saint Peter and Saint Paul died in Rome, why didn’t they just compromise with the Romans–or were they standing pridefully in theif faith?
Ok, this is better analogy. But we are talking about winning politically. Not theologically.
The truth is, I made giant compromises when I voted for Bush the last two elections because I thought he was out only chance at reducing abortions. Yet, when I personally take the blinders off I can see that Bush is not particularly pro-life, and he has yet to save even one baby in this country. Now, he can still do some good, time will.
I understand. Agreed. BTW, the “not one baby” statements is…not provable. I would submit his presidency and his witness (albeit not Catholic, and certainly could be argued not much more than political rhetoric) HAS saved lives, HAS led to an increase of faith, HAS increased chastity among teens. I have no numbers (as you don’t as well) but I would make my assertion anyway.
As for the dems possibly getting in, again the simple truth is: if Catholics voted for the pro-life candidate, then the dems would not get back in. The problem we have is a failure of faith. Catholics are no longer Catholic, and that means people like us try to search for compromises, yet Jesus never compromised in truth! Nor did his apostles, or many of the saints throughour history.
So very very very very true!
So, if it is prideful to stand firm in the truth, then I guess I am guilty as charged. Yet, I feel like I would be in very good and Holy company.
Yes, you would be is GREAT company. We would lose political power to enact change in government, but we would still be right with Heaven, which at the end of the day, is a great thing.

So…Mr Bush… nominate these judges and fight tooth and nail for them so TPJ Catholic and I can quit bickering!!!
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