Bush is Quiet on the Hunt for Bin Laden

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Read this article.


Perhaps they are keeping quiet so as not to have “leaks” all over the place; but if you have any real tangible advice to offer the government on how they might improve the search, why don’t you contact them at the earliest possible date.
Well I would HOPE so. Announcing our plans will not be particularly effective in catching Bin Laden or any other terrorists. As it is there are leaks and in some cases for humanitarian reasons we have announced certain plans such as the Fallujah invasion–thus allowing Zarqawi plenty of time to leave. We were also quiet with respect to the tip on the location of Saddam. Imagine if it were announced on the nightly news. By keeping it quiet we caught the animal in his hole.

Lisa N
Read this article.


Perhaps they are keeping quiet so as not to have “leaks” all over the place; but if you have any real tangible advice to offer the government on how they might improve the search, why don’t you contact them at the earliest possible date.
:tiphat: Yes! I am sure the Government would love CV’s advice. :bounce: :yup: 🙂
Hi “Catholicvegan”,
Are you open to seeing the war on terror differently or do you want to hang onto your misconceptions?

Have you ever heard of Richard Miniter’s book, “Shadow War”? When he started this book he wanted to prove that going to Iraq was a mistake. By the time he finished this book, he had changed his mind. Here is part of a review about this book. I highly recommend it.

The author of the New York Times bestseller Losing bin Laden, files from the front lines in Baghdad, Bangkok, Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong, Khartoum, Cairo, Paris, London, Frankfurt, Hamburg, New York, and Washington, D.C.—uncovering the triumphs and tragedies the media establishment refuses to report.

Inside Shadow War, you’ll discover:

· New intelligence about Osama bin Laden’s secret refuge. The location will surprise you—and has shocking implications for national security.

· The Bush administration’s secret plan to hit al Qaeda before September 11, 2001.

· A never before reported plot to assassinate President Bush in 2002—and the embarrassing intelligence failure it revealed.

· How the 2000 election fiasco left our nation open to terror attacks.

· How America captured the “al Qaeda admiral” and stopped his fifteen-ship fleet from being used as floating bombs.

· Why Iran is financing attacks against American and allied forces in Afghanistan and Iraq

· Why al Qaeda has been sending operatives to scuba school to learn how to dive—but not to resurface The major media has missed some of the biggest developments in the War on Terror—we get only headlines, sound bites, and snapshots. No record of victories, defeats, or draws. No big picture. Shadow War brings the big picture to life: The unreported story of the War on Terror is that we can win it, and that victories are being won every single day.
You don’t take a trumpet with you when you’re hunting a terrorist. This isn’t pony polo. :rolleyes:
Eventually the media will catch up with the facts and start reporting that Al-Qaeda has remained target number one all along. In fact, some of the catching up has already begun. For example.

– Mark L. Chance.
It is best to keep quiet about all our plans against radical Islam. Remember when the press reported that the way we were tracking OBL was by his cell phone use. He stopped using it and we lost a nice way to keep tabs on him.
ought to cast a very dark shadow over CNN’s credibility…
It would seem that they lost their credibility when they admitted that they had kept silence about Iraq atrocities against its own population so they could maintain their offices there.
Donald Rumsfield said it well when O’Reilly interviewed him.

He said that some people stay on the FBI’s most wanted list for years, even decades–that doesn’t mean search only for them, or that when you go after smoeone else it is a distraction.

We may not have bin Laden, but we’ve killed or captured more than half his leading operatives. And we’ve captured terrorist-enabler Saddam Hussein. We’ve removed two goverments that financed and harbored al Queda–and liberated 50 million people from brutal tyranny in the process. Bush critics downplay the liberation, but for 50 million people who will be free–and free countries are less likely to breed terrorism–it is quite an accompishment.

bin Laden is an important target, but not the only target.
You’re so right, Jay. According to Richard Miniter, the author I referenced earlier there have been many clandestine victories against al Qaeda. More than 3,000 al Qaeda operatives have been seized or slain in 102 countries since September 11, 2001. That is more then 2/3 of their leadership. One intelligence source told him that somewhere in the world, they defeat something like a plot a day. Didn’t everyone here think that there would be another terrorist attack in the U.S. following September 11th? They must be doing something right, so why don’t they get the credit?
Donald Rumsfield said it well when O’Reilly interviewed him.

He said that some people stay on the FBI’s most wanted list for years, even decades–that doesn’t mean search only for them, or that when you go after smoeone else it is a distraction.

We may not have bin Laden, but we’ve killed or captured more than half his leading operatives. And we’ve captured terrorist-enabler Saddam Hussein. We’ve removed two goverments that financed and harbored al Queda–and liberated 50 million people from brutal tyranny in the process. Bush critics downplay the liberation, but for 50 million people who will be free–and free countries are less likely to breed terrorism–it is quite an accompishment.

bin Laden is an important target, but not the only target.
Another thing, Ever hear of the “Baltic Sky”? Probably not, as the mainstream press won’t report this, and neither will Richard Clarke. But the “Baltic Sky” was part of a 15-ship floating bomb factory. It was heading for Greece, and if it had blown, the results would have been worse than Hiroshima. American intelligence and other sources, alerted the Greek Navy, so they were able to stop the vessel before it docked at Athens.

In fact, this Al Qaeda fleet has been effectively decommissioned.
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