Cal Thomas - America's Security

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From Cal Thomas’ recent column:

One of the most compelling and urgently needed books I have read on terrorism in America was just published. Its title sums up the contents: “Holy War on the Home Front: The Secret Islamic Terror Network in the United States.” The author is Harvey Kushner, Ph.D., who has consulted for the FBI, FAA, INS, U.S. Customs Service and U.S. Department of Probation. (Click HERE to purchase. Sales help fund JWR.)

Kushner contends that our government and media are not doing enough to protect us. One example: The immigration process is still so flawed that even those applicants who testify to having committed terrorist acts are allowed into the country because the FBI doesn’t cooperate with immigration officials.

Insult was added to that injury last week when it was revealed that the FBI is on the verge of scrapping a $170 million computer overhaul the agency said was critical in the war against terrorism. The computers don’t work. The bureau will pay a research firm $2 million to discover what’s wrong and see if it can be fixed.

Adding ludicrous to stupid, The New York Times reported some veteran agents are resisting the transition to computers because they favor pens and pads.

Further problems in our defense against terrorism, as recorded in Dr. Kushner’s book, include federal judges who continue to put on probation illegal aliens identified as members of terrorist organizations. Some of them, he writes, have even been granted work permits and citizenship.

Liberal judges, he writes, are not deporting criminals with known or suspected ties to the secret Islamic terrorist network (one convicted heroin smuggler got community service at Queens Botanical Garden in New York). “High-level sources within the Department of Homeland Security” tell Kushner the Cabinet agency won’t even be “somewhat functional” until 2006.

Kushner weaves together so many threads in the Islamic terror network that if there is another attack his book will serve as an indictment for our failure (again) to pay attention to numerous warning signs, including the recruitment of minority and disillusioned males in our prisons; Islamic religious schools (as of 1997, he writes, there were more than 100 day schools and more than 1,000 Sunday or weekend schools in the United States, many of them affiliated with mosques, “expanding the reach of Wahhabi doctrine”); mosques planted largely with Saudi money in our cities, which serve as “regular stops on fund-raising trips for terrorist leaders and their sympathizers” (Kushner says the number of mosques have grown from about 50 after World War II “to more than twelve hundred today”); and government agencies, which, having been neutered by “sensitivity trainers,” let their guard down because they don’t want to be accused of racism or bigotry.
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