California becomes first state to surpass 2 million COVID-19 cases

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Among the strictest mitigation efforts in the country
come out of California
and still this (see video below).

Mitigation does NOT stop a virus.

You still cannot go to indoor Mass in many places, receive the Sacraments in some cases, and conduct (small) business (there is exceptions for Big business though).

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Californians who were depending on mitigation to STOP a virus were mislead. (I predict the leftists in power in California will double-down on this failed paradigm.)

California becomes first state to surpass 2 million COVID-19 cases​


Dec 24, 2020
CBS Evening News

1.11M subscribers

California is the epicenter of the COVID-19 surge this Christmas Eve. The Golden State has now recorded nearly as many cases as all of Great Britain. Lilia Luciano has more.
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That pesky population density giving viruses more hosts thing.
Among the strictest mitigation efforts in the country
come out of California
and still this
California has 12% of the population of the USA. It is the state with the highest share of USA citizens. The next largest is Texas with 9%. Though people in Teas are spread out more (California has 163K square miles while Texas has 268k. square miles). So I can’t read a lot into this.
So I can’t read a lot into this.
Sure we can.
  1. While mitigations may help to some degree, this is a virus. It will spread regardless.
  2. the political desire by some to blame politicians in the other party for the spread is mere propaganda. Newsom is not at fault for the spread. Trump is not responsible for the spread. The humans who are at fault are in the Chinese government.
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These are the statistics that will be more useful to you:

California has 4,887 cases per 100,000 people. North Dakota has 11,825. There are 35 states that have more cases per 100,000 people than California does.

If you are going to turn this into a political issue, how do you explain the fact that the Dakotas are two of the most solidly Republican states in the US and also have the worst covid infection rates in the country? Please note that I am not making this into a political issue, you are.

You should also consider that infections are not the same as deaths. Out of 50 states and the District of Columbia, California ranks 40th for deaths per 100,000 people. California has 58 deaths per 100,000 people, while New Jersey has the country’s highest rate of 205 per 100,000.

As has already been pointed out, California ranks 12th by population density out of 50 states and the District of Columbia. If California has one of the highest population densities in the US and also has some of the lowest covid infection and death rates, surely that suggests that they are overall doing a much better job of controlling the virus than most other states and DC (DC ranks 17th for deaths, but only 44th for infections, which is interesting as its population is almost ten times more dense than New Jersey, which is the most densely populated state). It’s also worth pointing out that the Dakotas rank in the bottom 10% of the country for population density, which makes their high infections rates all the more extraordinary.
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California has 4,887 cases per 100,000 people. North Dakota has 11,825.
So much for @ThinkingSapien’s population density guess as to reason for spread.

Mitigation is just that. Mitigation.
Mitigation does MOT stop a virus.
Mitigation was never advertized to stop a virus.
WRONG Mitigation (like re-wearing masks) probably CONTRIBUTES to the dissemination of the virus, while at the same time, destroying the economy, causing psychological harm to a society, and giving people a false sense of security (something even Fauci warned us about).
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You make some accurate points. E.g. constantly putting on and taking off the same mask without replacing it or washing it is indeed not a very good idea. One could add that wearing gloves is only worthwhile if you are constantly changing the gloves. I noticed that the people working in my local post office were wearing gloves, but it looked like they had been wearing the same gloves all day. To be worthwhile, they should be changing the gloves between every customer just as a doctor changes their gloves between every patient. However, the fact that you make one or two accurate points does not mean that your entire argument stands up to scrutiny. It is also particularly difficult to argue with somebody who is explicitly making a scientific debate into a political debate.
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