Well, this kind of thing happens all the time, ever notice how many studies tend to agree with or back up whatever the requester happens to be looking into doing, whether it be creation of new laws, regulations, guidelines, etc
Example, if the Dept of Justice or other law enforcement agency funds a study to see if something is potentially dangerous or there is cause for concern, in the creation of new law or regulation, and it is something most of them want to happen…99.9% of the time, the study is going to back them up.
Heck I remember when our state (KY) was looking to ban smoking in public, many local cities and leaders were opposed as most businesses did not want the new law, so they funded a study about the real dangers of second hand smoke, you may not believe it, but the study actually came out saying secondhand smoke is not as dangerous as touted.
Now, if majority of business owners had been in favor of banning public smoking, I tend to think the study would have resulted in much different conclusions, or they would have found a study group that WILL agree.
Its really about what the popular sentiment at the time is and what the goal is