Call to Action Show True Colors

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One of the founders of Call to Action Nebraska has been denied Communion twice in recent weeks at a Lincoln Catholic parish.
John Krejci, who often attends Mass during the week as well as on Sunday, said he was not allowed to take Communion on Feb. 7 and again Sunday at Lincoln’s Sacred Heart Church.

“It’s disappointing, and it’s unjust,” he said.

Chancellor Mark Huber, the diocese spokesman, said in a statement that the bond to the church appears to have been severed “by the choice of one of the faithful.”

In 1996, the Lincoln diocese decided it would excommunicate members who continue to associate with such groups as Call to Action, which supports dropping the celibacy requirement for priests and giving laypeople a say in the selection of their bishops.

“This means they may not participate in the sacramental life of the church,” according to the diocese rules included in the statement.

Krejci, who said Call to Action members have appealed their excommunication to Rome, said he was first denied Communion by Lincoln Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, who presided over the Feb. 7 Mass at Sacred Heart.

“I was the last one in line (for Communion),” Krejci said. “As I got up to him, he kind of waved me off with kind of a rude gesture. He spun around and went back to the altar.”

Krejci followed the bishop up to the altar and, after the bishop sat down, took a wafer anyway.

Since then, Krejci has attended other Catholic churches in the diocese and participated in communion.
Krejci followed the bishop up to the altar and, after the bishop sat down, took a wafer anyway.


This **IS **sacrilege if there ever was such a thing. I wonder what Bishop Bruskewitz will or can do to protect the Blessed Sacrament from profanation? And is there any civil legal action the bishop can take to physically prevent Mr. Krejci from obtaining the Eucharist in that way?
Those who receive the Eucharist worthily bring their soul closer to salvation. Those who receive the Eucharist unworthily bring their soul closer to condemnation.

It would appear that Mr. Krejci is digging a deeper & deeper hole for his spiritual soul.
After walking to the Altar and taking a Eucharist himself, why didn’t the complete the blasphemy by going over to the seated Bishop and kicking him in the shins?
After walking to the Altar and taking a Eucharist himself, why didn’t the complete the blasphemy by going over to the seated Bishop and kicking him in the shins?
Perhaps the Bishop was cleaning up and hadn’t bee seated yet. In which case he could have just seated himself in the chair. This would make it literal as well as figurative.
Sir Knight:
Those who receive the Eucharist worthily bring their soul closer to salvation. Those who receive the Eucharist unworthily bring their soul closer to condemnation.

It would appear that Mr. Krejci is digging a deeper & deeper hole for his spiritual soul.
This man should not only be denied Holy Communion, but should have a restraining order put against him for every parish within a 100 mile radius.

If this had/or ever happens in a parish near me, I’d be more than happy to escort the excommuicatant off of church property. I’ve had to involve police once when a man had entered the church on a weekday during mass shouting as he walked in “20 duece. Who’s next?” 20 duece = 22 gauge rifle. I followed him out of the church & then he chose to confront me outside. I immediately began speaking in tongues & the man backed off. 😃
Local police took it from there.
After walking to the Altar and taking a Eucharist himself, why didn’t the complete the blasphemy by going over to the seated Bishop and kicking him in the shins?
The answer is as old as time: The fallen angels did not say “I cannot serve”, they said “I will not”. Pride is not one of the capital sins for no reason.
The following looks like a related article in referece to:
Krejci said he can continue to take Communion until Rome rules on the Call to Action appeal. He believes he will be able to continue participating in Communion at other parishes, outside Lincoln if need be.
Also, if I am not wrong, excommunication is universal and not restricted to the diocese where it occurred.

In any case, it appears that the appeal was rejected and even the Vatican says they are excommunicated.

Someone remarked that CtA supports married priests and lay election of bishops. It is much more than that. They support contraception, women’s ordination, approval of homosexual acts, primacy of conscience trumping binding Church teaching, etc.

Scott Waddell:
Someone remarked that CtA supports married priests and lay election of bishops. It is much more than that. They support contraception, women’s ordination, approval of homosexual acts, primacy of conscience trumping binding Church teaching, etc.
And it seems that they now added self communion… :mad:

Sad. I hope he has a change of heart. He needs prayers :gopray:
Well that’s true but first of all I think like the Straw Man in the Wizard he needs a brain.
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