Call to Action

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What is the group, “Call to Action,” and what do they believe in? I know they are on the leftish side of the spectrum, but any help would be appreciated!
What is the group, “Call to Action,” and what do they believe in? I know they are on the leftish side of the spectrum, but any help would be appreciated!
They are a heretic group who believe in undermining the Church from within.

While there are members of the group that aren’t heretic, even materially, the organisation as a whole is heretic.

They draw support from feminist theologians, active homosexuals, and many others who flaunt the Church. They have given support to “ordination” of women, homosexual activity, “creation spirituality”, Spohia-worship, contraception, etc.

Bishop Bruskewitz excommunicated all who adhere to them in his diocese.
Bishop Bruskewitz is the bishop of the diocese in Lincoln, NE. He is very good and faithful. He does not cave under pressure from the liberals.
“Call to Action” is a heretical movement within the Church that is nothing more than Modernism re-packaged for our own times. Among some of their heretical doctrines are:
  1. All Catholics have the right to follow their informed consciences in all matters.
  2. Officers of the Church have the right to teach on matters both of private and public morality only after wide consultation with the faithful prior to the formulation of the teaching.
  3. All Catholics have the right to a voice in all decisions that affect them, including the choosing of their leaders.
  4. All Catholics have the right to express publicly their dissent in regard to decisions made by Church authorities.
  5. All Catholics have the right to be dealt with according to commonly accepted norms of fair administrative and judicial procedures without undue delay.
  6. All Catholics, regardless of race, age, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, state-of-life, or social position have the right to receive all the sacraments for which they are adequately prepared.
  7. All Catholics, regardless of canonical status (lay or clerical), sex or sexual orientation, have the right to exercise all ministries in the Church for which they are adequately prepared, according to the needs and with the approval of the community.
  8. Catholic teachers of theology have a right to responsible academic freedom. The acceptability of their teaching is to be judged in dialogue with their peers, keeping in mind the legitimacy of responsible dissent and pluralism of belief.
  9. All married Catholics have the right to determine in conscience the size of their families and the appropriate methods of family planning.
  10. All married Catholics have the right to withdraw from a marriage which has irretrievably broken down. All such Catholics retain the radical right to remarry. All Catholics who are divorced and remarried and who are in conscience reconciled to the Church have the right to the same ministries, including all sacraments, as do other Catholics.
  11. All Catholics have the right to expect that Church documents and materials will avoid sexist language, and that symbols and imagery of God will not be exclusively masculine.
And all this is just scratching the surface. If you really want to learn more about this sect and its dangers I would read Brian Clowes’s Call to Action or Call to Apostacy? How Dissenters Plan to Remake the Catholic Church in Their Own Image.
I belong to a group that is based on The National Resource Center For Catholic Men (NRCCM). I found this group to be orthodox. Can someone confirm this for me? This is the group that the group I attend is associated with

Go with God!
This is a very orthodox group. I belong to a group here in Oklahoma. Our website is: Please check it out. And for those in the area, you are invited to attend. We will have some very dynamic speakers this year to our Men’s Conference, including Tim Staples.

Also, as you can see on the website:
The move comes at an historic point for the organization as we’ve incorporated as a non-profit organization and are in the midst of seeking our tax-exempt status with the IRS. The name change reflects a closer alignment with the National Fellowship of Catholic Men, an organization with roots in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and their committees on Marriage and Family and on Evangelization.

Edwin, continue with the faith and may you always go with God.

Yours in Christ,
This bishop is a hero, orthodoxy have to be the rule in the Catholic Church, because being a christian is hard, isn´t for cowards and for comfortables, we have all to make sacrifices because we have to be like christ, greetings
This is a very orthodox group. I belong to a group here in Oklahoma. Our website is: Please check it out. And for those in the area, you are invited to attend. We will have some very dynamic speakers this year to our Men’s Conference, including Tim Staples.

Also, as you can see on the website:
The move comes at an historic point for the organization as we’ve incorporated as a non-profit organization and are in the midst of seeking our tax-exempt status with the IRS. The name change reflects a closer alignment with the National Fellowship of Catholic Men, an organization with roots in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and their committees on Marriage and Family and on Evangelization.

Edwin, continue with the faith and may you always go with God.

Yours in Christ,
Awesome. I have long dreamed of starting a similar ministry here in Arizona, but am having trouble finding like minded men who are willing to step out in faith enough to get the ball rolling. God bless your ministry in OK!
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