If married persons would be Priests I’d of considered this. Is being a Deacon my calling then?? I keep hearing in my soul, “Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men!”
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I agree. I’ve prayed that if its God’s will, she will see it also. As it is, she does agree that I’m called to be a minister, but just not with the CC unfortunately as she’s an Evangelical struggling with me returning to the Catholic faith. She tells me all the time to start my own church!You and your wife have to be on the same page about this, make sure to include her in this process
Looks like were in the same almost boat. I graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2007 with what I thought was a calling to be a minister. I then fell away from my church denomination due to theological issues, amongst things.I am still working my own rankings and realignments. I too have been discerning the permanent diaconate since 2008. Peace be with you
Nice… I really love preaching and teaching and would love to one day do it at the homily in mass.’d want to become a deacon just so I could bless folks and s