Call to be a Deacon?

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I’d say they are blind to more than just traditions. They are blind to truths such as the Real Presence.
You’re the first fellow Ordinariate member I’ve met here. I take it you assist at an Ordinariate Mass? There is none close to me. Almost 400 miles, actually.
Chastity is not necessarily abstaining from sexual relations between a husband and wife, but following the teaching of the Church on sex.

A married deacon and his wife follow the Church’s teaching on proper sexual relations between a wife and husband.

To say it simply, they do not have to give up sex.

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You’re the first fellow Ordinariate member I’ve met here. I take it you assist at an Ordinariate Mass? There is none close to me. Almost 400 miles, actually.
Happy member of Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX, which transferred from the Archdiocese of San Antonio to the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter last year. During the transition period, the chancery in Houston granted cradle Latin Catholics such as myself, otherwise inadmissible through any other qualification such as marriage to an Ordinariate member, etc., the privilege of being admitted as canonical ordinariate members.
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Cool! Well, you’re close to Ordinariate HQ, then. A lot closer than me anyway. I sojourned as an Anglo-Catholic for a while, but swam back over and was admitted to the OCSP as an individual (“Apposite”) member. I’m registered in my diocese but have been told I should join the “closest” OCSP parish. Will make a pilgrimage there this fall. In the meantime, I assist at the TLM Mass whenever possible.

How are you liking the 1928 BCP?
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Cool! Well, you’re close to Ordinariate HQ, then. A lot closer than me anyway. I sojourned as an Anglo-Catholic for a while, but swam back over and was admitted to the OCSP as an individual (“Apposite”) member. I’m registered in my diocese but have been told I should join the “closest” OCSP parish.

How are you liking the 1928 BCP?
We actually worship according to Divine Worship: The Missal, which - as I understand it - contains elements of the 1928 BCP and 1979 BCP, as well as the Roman Missal. As I did not grow up in the BCP tradition, I do not know how much of DW:TM comes from either edition of the BCP.

As this relates to the OP’s post, I have an interest in the role of a deacon in our ordinariate Mass, which is fairly extensive, though I do not consider myself called to the diaconate, as I still wish to be married - I discern only one vocation at a time.
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I’ve tried to find DW:TM but it seems largely out if print. I did receive an email just the other day from the vicar General of the OCSP, in reaoponse to my inquiry about daily prayer resources. He old me that The Daily Office for the Ordinariate is forthcoming. In the meantime he suggested the site, which is pretty much 1928 BCP. I also use the St. Bede’s Breviary site, and Divinum Officium.
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And you’re right, a deacon doesn’t need to know all these particulars but should have some general familiarity with the Ordinariate which is, in fact, growing, slowly but steadily.
DW:TM, study edition, is published by the Catholic Truth Society. The study edition just came out this spring. I do not know if it is sold out or not. It does not contain the office (morning or evening prayer, etc.), which is still being reviewed by the Vatican. Many of us use Mr. and Mrs. Covert’s website, which contains some, if not most, of the proposed texts for the office.

The predecessor to DW:TM is the Book of Divine Worship. It was authorized for use only in Pastoral Provision parishes, the predecessor to the ordinariates. It had both the Mass and the office, as well as occasional services (marriage, burial, Good Friday liturgy), as well as the psalter. However, the reverse is not true - my own parish, OLOA, started using DW:TM as soon as it was authorized for use by the Holy See - when we were still a Pastoral Provision parish in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
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I’ll check with Catholic Truth Society, thanks. And my understanding is that the draft of The Daily Office for the Ordinariate has been approved. So it shouldn’t be too much longer.
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I’ll check with Catholic Truth Society, thanks. And my understanding is that The Daily Office for the Ordinariate was recently approved?
It may have been as of now, I do not know, but my understanding is that the Vatican is still reviewing it and that only seminarians have access to the proposed texts [in paper form], according to a seminarian from my parish, save for what Mr. and Mrs. Covert post on their website.
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Ah. So you know that site. I’ve just been using the daily text, which is very '28, with the addition if Marian prayer of course. 😍 Their call-in time for MP is 11:45 AM, my time. Time for Midday Prayer, or Sexts.
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Found DW:TM. €300.00. Obviously the altar copy.
I’ll wait for the $7.99 Kindle version, lol!
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Chastity is not necessarily abstaining from sexual relations between a husband and wife, but following the teaching of the Church on sex.
People are getting caught up in the multiple definitions of words here, and “correcting” other uses.

So without using the words “chastity” or “celibacy” here it is:

A married man may be ordained a deacon in the Eastern and Western Churches, a priest in most of the Eastern Churches, and under certain circumstances (former clergy for certain protestants or Anglican communion), a priest in the Western Church. In all of these cases, he takes a vow that he will not marry again (as does a single man) if something happens to his wife. He both may and should have normal marital relations with her.

A couple of notes:
  1. in at least some regions of the US, it is common in the RCC to grant a widowed deacon a dispensation from this vow and allow him to marry again.
  2. In some of the Eastern Churches, fasting from marital relations is expected during certain fasting seasons, and for a period before being the celebrant at the Divine Liturgy.
  3. In at least one case each for Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic, a priest with very small children has been granted has been granted permission to marry --not for his sake, but for that of the children
Then there was a flaw in allowing her husband to become a deacon.

She’ll hate it and he’ll love it as they grow apart.

Good for them

My guess from here is that you misunderstood her.

You originally posted that she was unsupportive toward he husband’s decision to apply for the diaconate.

This would’ve had the team reject him for the program.

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Julian posted that the wife was unsupportive in her husband’s decision to apply for the diaconate.

Something is missing in Julian’s information.

Well my experience was far different.

It was mandated the wife was in full support of my applying for the diaconate.

Also, she had to be Catholic.

The last thing they want is the stress the diaconate puts on a marriage, to cause the wife to separate.

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