Calling to priesthood/non-catholic

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I became a devout christian about a year ago, I have been going back and forth between non-denominational and Catholic. for the past six months or so i have felt a calling to become a pastor and because of my strong call to be a pastor I am supposed to start school at Liberty university next year to get my B.A. in biblical studies. But the only problem is I still keep feeling a calling to the Catholic faith and to the priesthood. I am not sure what to do exactly. I was baptized into the non-denominational church but have also been considering starting RCIA to become Catholic. Any advice?
I think you should postpone going to Liberty for now, as that would not be the best place to explore the Catholic church. My advice would be to pray, and to talk with a priest. He can help you explore what it is that calls you to God, and what the differences are between the kind of Fundamentalism that Liberty ascribes to, and the Catholic faith. You can also start by getting a Catholic Bible, which has some books that Protestants don’t recognize, and has extensive notes and comments that present Catholic biblical interpretation. You should probably also look at the Catechism of the Catholic church.

If you feel called to ministry, be aware, too, that in both Protestantism and Catholicism there are many types of ministry, only one of which is ordained. But in the Catholic church, ordination is a “bigger deal” than in most Protestant denominations–it is an indelible sacrament.

I am a convert to Catholicism, and one of the biggest differences–and one that was very important in drawing me to Catholicism–is the significance and centrality of the sacraments. That is something a priest can help you to explore, but you can also do some reading on your own. You also may want to read some personal conversion stories by Protestants who became Catholic–they may provide you with personal explanations as to what the distinctions are between Protestantism and Catholicism.
I became a devout christian about a year ago, I have been going back and forth between non-denominational and Catholic. for the past six months or so i have felt a calling to become a pastor and because of my strong call to be a pastor I am supposed to start school at Liberty university next year to get my B.A. in biblical studies. But the only problem is I still keep feeling a calling to the Catholic faith and to the priesthood. I am not sure what to do exactly. I was baptized into the non-denominational church but have also been considering starting RCIA to become Catholic. Any advice?
Discernment is often a long, drawn-out and even agonizing process. You are attracted to the truth. So, prudence demands that you be attracted to the fullness of truth. Non-Catholic Churches have some of the truth about Christ. A few of them have quite a bit of it. Only one possesses all that has been revealed. Yet, your calling is indistinct. Is it to be a priest, or a lay evangelist? An apologist? A religious brother?

You will receive your answer from Christ Himself, but you must go to Him. Where? The Tabernacle at your nearest parish, where our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament resides. Ask at the parish when they offer adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Then, go and humble yourelf before your Savior. Lay out the troubles in your heart before Him. Then, be as patient with Him as He has been with you. And, when you receive your answer, you will be changed.
Discernment is often a long, drawn-out and even agonizing process. You are attracted to the truth. So, prudence demands that you be attracted to the fullness of truth. Non-Catholic Churches have some of the truth about Christ. A few of them have quite a bit of it. Only one possesses all that has been revealed. Yet, your calling is indistinct. Is it to be a priest, or a lay evangelist? An apologist? A religious brother?

You will receive your answer from Christ Himself, but you must go to Him. Where? The Tabernacle at your nearest parish, where our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament resides. Ask at the parish when they offer adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Then, go and humble yourelf before your Savior. Lay out the troubles in your heart before Him. Then, be as patient with Him as He has been with you. And, when you receive your answer, you will be changed.
I feel that my vocation is to the priesthood but I am unsure if I want to become a priest for the right reasons, I have felt a call to ministry for a while but as of lately i have been trying to get away from unnatural sexual desires. so i thought of the priesthood i would fulfill my call to ministry and have no option to pursue an unnatural sexual relationship
I feel that my vocation is to the priesthood but I am unsure if I want to become a priest for the right reasons, I have felt a call to ministry for a while but as of lately i have been trying to get away from unnatural sexual desires. so i thought of the priesthood i would fulfill my call to ministry and have no option to pursue an unnatural sexual relationship
I would have a talk with one or more Priests. They can provide you with guidance. As well, your archdiocese has an office for vocations that will be glad to advise you.
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