What are you talking about? We do not believe in death. Jesus took away death by his death on the cross. And if Jesus chooses to take me out of this world, and to take me to eternal life in the next world, I say so be it, The sooner the better.If god intervenes to kill people young and horribly that only adds credibility to my belief of non-intervention and non-predestination. A that could foreknow and preordain a child to die a horrible death would be petty, discriminatory and cruel.
I refuse to believe that of the creator.
And you seem to believe that God can give someone free will, but free will to only do good, Right? You seem to believe that if God gives someone free will, they can only use it to do good and not evil. Then why give it?
You blame God for giving humans the free will to do good or evil. Tell me how could God give someone free will to do evil to someone, but then protect the other party and not take away the free will of the evil one? You make no sense to me.
And if the innocent child dies at that hand of evil, we know that God took that Child into eternal bliss in heaven, a place will evil will never touch them again.
You blame God for the free will of man. Come on.