I’m interested to see this.
And here are the “reasons set out below”:
- A Catholic who occasionally, for reasons set out below 35
attends the Holy Liturgy (Mass) on a Sunday or holy day of
obligation in an Orthodox Church is not then bound to assist at
Mass in a Catholic Church. It is likewise a good thing if on such
days Catholics, who for just reasons cannot go to Mass in their own
Church, attend the Holy Liturgy of their separated Oriental
brethren, if this is possible.
- Catholics may be allowed to attend Orthodox liturgical
services if they have reasonable grounds, e.g., arising out of a
public office or function, blood relationships, friendships, desire
to be better informed, etc. In such cases there is nothing against
their taking part in the common responses, hymns, and actions of
the Church in which they are guests. Receiving Holy Communion
however, will be governed by what is laid down above, nn. 42 and- Because of the close communion referred to earlier (n. 40)
local Ordinaries can give permission for a Catholic to read lessons
at a liturgical service, if he is invited. These same principles govern
the manner in which an Orthodox may assist at services in Catholic
What is most important is respect for the other Church. There are a variety of positions in the East, and about the only way you could be sure would be by asking the priest. But you should be able attend without communion.
- Whenever necessity requires or a genuine spiritual advantage suggests, and provided that the danger of error or indifferentism is avoided, it is lawful for any Catholic for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister, to receive the sacraments of penance, Eucharist and anointing of the sick from a minister of an Eastern Church.
- Since practice differs between Catholics and Eastern Christians in the matter of frequent communion, confession before communion and the Eucharistic fast, care must be taken to avoid scandal and suspicion among Eastern Christians through Catholics not following the Eastern usage. A Catholic who legitimately wishes to communicate with Eastern Christians must respect the Eastern discipline as much as possible and refrain from communicating if that Church restricts sacramental communion to its own members to the exclusion of others.