Prison as well as capital punishment is cruel and contrary to the Gospels?
I mean contrary to the Gospel in the sense that I think Pope Francis uses it, not as contrary to the word of Scripture, but as contrary to the spirit of love for our enemies, the respect for their human dignity, and the desire that God has revealed for the salvation of all men.
To imprison any person is contrary to those things because you are stripping them of their dignity and right to individual agency, placing them in a situation where they are very likely to commit further crimes or become a victim of further crimes, and labeling them as a “felon” or as a “criminal” which results in their degradation in the eyes of other citizens, significantly harming their ability to find a vocation after their release.
Therefore, it follows that even imprisonment in the form it exists in all first world countries is an affront to the Gospel on the same reasoning applied to the death penalty by Pope Francis. He has even spoken about the harm of life imprisonment on several occasions.
But I do not think that capital punishment is contrary to the Gospel, that is Pope Francis’ teaching, taken directly from his address to the pontifical committee on the new evangelization. This is in accordance with Christian belief about the inviolability of the right to life, from conception to natural death.
I agree with the Holy Father that it is an assault on human dignity…that seems self-evident considering the fact that a person ends up without their life. I think that the doctrine of the dignity of life is extremely important and I am glad that the Holy Father passionately seeks to defend it. However, we will have to wait and see how Catholic social doctrine regarding a civil government’s duties with respect to crime and punishment also develops alongside the awareness we are beginning to have as to the extent of our defense of life.
The problem is that the development occurred with respect to and in continuity with Christian teaching about the value of life, and Pope Francis did not elucidate about the impact on Christian civil governments, except to say that what applies to the individual also applies to the society at large.
I think that the positive duties of civil governance justify the existence of punishments proportionate to crime, and I believe this is substantiated by Christian teaching. In that sense it is not incompatible with the Gospel message to rightly punish the criminal, because the government, acting out of abundant love, should not permit evils to perpetuate, and for the hope of the criminal’s salvation ought to rebuke him. Obviously, as far as capital punishment is concerned, it is no longer considered a proportionate punishment even for the most serious crimes, mostly because it does not meet with the human dignity of the criminal.