Can a Catholic Still Maintain the Death Penalty?

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See? Lots of Catholics are trying to make this teaching “optional.” Of course, it is not.
If the recent teaching about CP is not a prudential judgement, then it is at odds with (not a development of, but in contradiction with) prior church teaching. Is that possible in your view? If so, could a future Pope do a 180 degree reversal and bind the faithful to a reverse position?

Do you understand the nature of a prudential judgements in the context of moral theology - and why Francis I’s condemnation of CP can only be that?
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Who gave you, or the sources you prefer, the authority to determine that the Spirit does not continue to work in the Church, always making the most recent moral teachings by the Magisterium the most appropriate for our time?
While you address this to Ender - I’d offer my response as follows. You correctly identify the subject teaching as directed to “our times” which places it in the category of prudential judgements. There is not to my knowledge any church doctrine requiring Catholics to accept such judgements which are at odds with their conscientiously held differing judgement.
Father Petri concludes that the teaching against the death penalty requires our assent, and should not be dismissed as a matter of prudence.

His conclusion will likely not convince you, so strongly entrenched as you seem to be, but it made perfect sense to me.
Rather than label him entrenched - identify (if you can) where his reasoning is flawed.
Yes, people are to be held accountable, but the DP is a contradiction with human dignity in today’s world, where we have can protect society without killing people that have been apprehended.
Your statements clearly suggest you see the recent CP teaching as a prudential judgement, addressing the merits of CP in our time, not it’s per se nature.
JP II also made statements against the DP, so quoting him in this context is inappropriate.
JP II’s addressing of the topic was plainly a prudential judgement - referencing the capabilities of the penal system. He plainly argued for it not to be used. But he saw circumstances when it’s use could be warranted.
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If the recent teaching about CP is not a prudential judgement, then it is at odds with (not a development of, but in contradiction with) prior church teaching. Is that possible in your view? If so, could a future Pope do a 180 degree reversal and bind the faithful to a reverse position?

Do you understand the nature of a prudential judgements in the context of moral theology - and why Francis I’s condemnation of CP can only be that?
Yes, I understand what a prudential judgment is. That said, your question doesn’t make sense to me. Are you suggesting that all developments in doctrine must be “prudential”? There have been an lot of developments to Catholic doctrine over the last 2,000 years. Are they all “prudential”? Many of them have been more significant that this one (IMHO).
There is not to my knowledge any church doctrine requiring Catholics to accept such judgements
There is a huge difference between “not accepting such judgments” and promoting one’s own judgment against the Magisterium as the correct moral stance for Catholics. It begs the question of what is conscionable.
conscientiously held differing judgement
This is what I am trying to bring out. If a Catholic holds a different moral assessment than the magisterium, what is the going on in the conscience?
he saw circumstances when it’s use could be warranted.
These were only theoretical, not reality. The end of the DP involves an acceptance of reality, even if we want to kill evildoers.
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Are you suggesting that all developments in doctrine must be “prudential”?
I am suggesting that a prudential judgement is in a different category to a matter of doctrine. Whether CP “these days” is wise or not might be made in light of various doctrines, but it is not itself a matter of doctrine.

Prudential judgements rests on things we just cannot know for sure. Is the penal system “secure enough”? “Will the balance of this well-intentioned, not intrinsically evil act, lead to a net good or bad balance of consequences”?
Prudential judgements rests on things we just cannot know for sure. Is the penal system “secure enough”? “Will the balance of this well-intentioned, not intrinsically evil act, lead to a net good or bad balance of consequences”?
I don’t believe the current teaching is merely a prudential judgment. The previous teaching allowed for prudential judgment on individual cases, but the current teaching does not. I read it as a development of doctrine that removes the admissibility of the death penalty from prudential judgment.
There is a huge difference between “not accepting such judgments” and promoting one’s own judgment against the Magisterium as the correct moral stance for Catholics. It begs the question of what is conscionable.
So it’s ok to disagree, but keep quiet about it?
This is what I am trying to bring out. If a Catholic holds a different moral assessment than the magisterium, what is the going on in the conscience?
It is in the nature of prudential judgements that they are quite uncertain. There is no question that the Pope’s exhortation to see CP as doing more harm than good deserves respect. But the church herself says it does not obligate acceptance.
These were only theoretical, not reality. The end of the DP involves an acceptance of reality, even if we want to kill evildoers.
Sorry, I’ve no idea what that means. Personally, I favour abolition of CP as unnecessary and doing more harm than good - I’ve no wish to kill evildoers, and it is wrong of you to keep suggesting those in opposition to your viewpoint are motivated by some kind of vengeance against evildoers.

My argument is not that CP should be retained. It’s about what the church can and does teach.
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I read it as a development of doctrine that removes the admissibility of the death penalty from prudential judgment.
So your answer to my previous question is “yes, the next Pope can develop the doctrine still further and take us to a new position in contradiction to the current position”.
I must have missed this memo. Where does the Church say that this particular part of the Catechism is optional?
Carefully edited quotations reflect poorly on any poster. I actually wrote:

“ You correctly identify the subject teaching as directed to “our times” which places it in the category of prudential judgements. There is not to my knowledge any church doctrine requiring Catholics to accept such judgements which are at odds with their conscientiously held differing judgement.”
Do it’s ok to disagree, but keep quiet about it?
Correct. Otherwise, one is claiming a special connection, over that of the Magisterium.
But the church herself says it does not obligate acceptance.
It depends on what you mean by “obligate”. Do you have a quote from a doctrine on this?
Sorry, I’ve no idea what that means. Personally, I favour abolition of CP as unnecessary and doing more harm than good
I’m confused. You favor abolition of the capital punishment?
I’ve no wish to kill evildoers
But you must admit that many people wish to do so. It is a reality. If we see someone kill someone else, those who seek justice will naturally want to end the life of the perpetrator. Are you denying this?
My argument is not that CP should be retained. It’s about what the church can and does teach
The Church teaches us that the Spirit guides the Church in matters of morality.
I’m confused. You favor abolition of the capital punishment?
Abolition - or abandonment of it - by civil authorities. I’ve said it many times. No post of mine argues the reverse. There is no basis in my posts for your confusion.
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So your answer to my previous question is “yes, the next Pope can develop the doctrine still further and take us to a new position in contradiction to the current position”.
I would say that the Church may continue to develop doctrine. I don’t expect it necessarily.

So is it your position that the Church’s doctrine is frozen and cannot continue to develop? When did doctrine freeze, in your view?
Carefully edited quotations reflect poorly on any poster. I actually wrote:

“ You correctly identify the subject teaching as directed to “our times” which places it in the category of prudential judgements. There is not to my knowledge any church doctrine requiring Catholics to accept such judgements which are at odds with their conscientiously held differing judgement.”
What I was responding to was your statement that “The Church does not obligate acceptance.” I did assume that statement is synonymous with “optional.” Either way, I am still looking in vain for the portion of the Catechism that does not “obligate acceptance.”
The rewrite of 2267 does not vacate the authority of prior teachings:
1997 [2267] Assuming that the guilty party’s identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty …
2018 [2267] Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response …
Pope Francis modifies the wording from “fully determined” to “fair trail” but one cannot interpret the word change to be a lightening of the state’s burden of evidence as that would go against the entire theme of the revision.

A possible development of the teaching could focus on the traditional “fully determined” condition elevating the bar from reasonable doubt to a moral certainty given the number of actual or planned executions of the wrong persons made known today by the development DNA technology.

The new technology evidences errors in judgment to which the catechism teaches:
[1790] A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience. If he were deliberately to act against it, he would condemn himself. Yet it can happen that moral conscience remains in ignorance and makes erroneous judgments about acts to be performed or already committed.
[1800] A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience.
[1801] Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of guilt.
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I am still looking in vain for the portion of the Catechism that does not “obligate acceptance.”
Any element which is prudential. Documents should not be confused with doctrine.
So that’s a non-answer.
No, its an honest answer.
That’s a straw-man.
This is what a non-answer looks like.

If you are correct that this teaching is not obligatory because the Church once taught differently, then you must believe that Church doctrine cannot develop - or at least that such developments are optional. What is the other possibility? If that is the case, then what are we to think of the other developments in Church doctrine over the millennia? How do you tell which require assent and which do not?
See? Lots of Catholics are trying to make this teaching “optional.” Of course, it is not.
If the recent teaching about CP is not a prudential judgement, then it is at odds with (not a development of, but in contradiction with) prior church teaching. Is that possible in your view? If so, could a future Pope do a 180 degree reversal and bind the faithful to a reverse position?

Do you understand the nature of a prudential judgements in the context of moral theology - and why Francis I’s condemnation of CP can only be that?
If in a future time the conditions were such that the death penalty was the last resort, the Church isn’t going to comment unless there’s a consequent claim that the dp is murder in all cases or similar. Are you willing to allow that people can disagree with that prudential judgment too?
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