I don’t know. That would have to be researched through the Church documents. This document does say there is increasing awareness, so perhaps there was not the awareness previously, doctrine does not change, the difference being more light and awareness is shed on doctrine down through the ages.Was the death penalty always an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person and contrary to the gospel, even 500 years ago or is it only today?
Humanae vitae July 1968 Pope Paul VI , taught against contraception because as part of the Sacrament of Marriage, a couple is to be open to life, to procreation. One reason is the couple living out their vocation in cooperation with the Creator in the increase of His Christian familyOK. So the teaching on artificial birth control could be wrong because the teaching was not ex cathedra?
Humanae Vitae: Sex and authority in the Catholic Church
Fifty years ago, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical that shook the Catholic Church to its core by declaring that every use of artificial contraceptives is immoral.
(I hope you dont mind me responding, I am getting in practice on using this forum.)
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