I happened to lend my book to a friend who has not returned it.
One would like to think so.Catholic bishops cannot redefine “just war.” They have no such authority. It’s as simple as that.
Where is it written that you can’t?And in what part of your Cathecism is it written, that we are to defend our faith by violent means ???
First things first, we want to know what “book” you have read and must have got your ideas from. You have yet to do that.So Jesus chased some folks out of the temple, so what. That does NOT make Him pro-war by any stretch. Show me a passage where He says it is okay to kill folks in His name, or to maim or murder anyone ???
First off, killing does not always equal murder. We know this from the teachings of the Church and simple common sense when it comes to self-defense, capital punishment, and justified warfare. I hope you’re not calling soldiers murderers. There are times when war/killing is not only justifiable but our duty. There are times, though rare, that it would be a sin *not * to kill someone. All one has to do to see that Jesus was not a pacifist is to look to the Old Testament. Remember that Jesus is God which consequently makes Him eternal. It’s not as if God the Father created Jesus 2000 years ago. Jesus is the Creator of the universe. Also, Jesus did say, “do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.” Finally, Romans 13:4 says this of the government: “But if you do evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword without purpose; it is the servant of God to inflict wrath on the evildoer.”Show me a passage where He says it is okay to kill folks in His name, or to maim or murder anyone ???
Is there no difference between one being martyred for the faith and a person defending an innocent one?IF as you say Christianity advocates violence in self defense, then the Christians by all rights should have attacked the Romans. Certainly these folks were no cowards by any stretch. They faced certain death without flinching.
I was about to ask YOU that! Haven’t you ever heard of the Church militant? If you were confirmed pre-Vat 2 you would have been confirmed as a soldier of Christ. There have always been people defending the Church whether through use of force or otherwise.ARE you even Catholic ???
No. An attack by it’s very definition could not be considered self-defense.as you say Christianity advocates violence in self defense, then the Christians by all rights should have attacked the Romans.
I’m thrilled to hear that it’s errors are being spread.I happened to lend my book to a friend who has not returned it.
See post #21First things first, we want to know what “book” you have read and must have got your ideas from. You have yet to do that.
Second, what does the Church teach about legitimate self defense (and thus also, legitimate defense of your country and our True Faith)? We’ve (JSmitty and I) have stated a couple of times that the Crusades or the Church have not been “okay” with murdering people or killing in Jesus’ name just because. The Crusades were defensive wars, intended to crush the Mohammedian onslaught on our Eastern Christian brothers, and to protect the Holy Land for pilgrims. While it didn’t pan out like this, that doesn’t mean that the Popes called for them in vain.
If we hadn’t stood up for ourselves, many more of us would probably be praying toward Mecca today.
How can you say that you agree with the original reasons for calling for a crusade yet claim they were a “bad idea”?Second, I don’t have a problem with why the pope originally called for a crusade, I do have a problem with how it was carried out and all the side issues that made the crusades a bad idea.
Hindsight is 20/20.In the end the Holy Land (at least most of it) was taken over by the Muslims anyway. The Christians were not able to hold it as the Crusades were originally intended to do.
Why are you so hung up over countries? Do you know nothing of the harsh persecutions individual Christians face in the Middle East? Ever heard of Abdul Rahman? Well, if you haven’t, you won’t for long. He’s being executed for converting to Christianity. How about all the Churches that are bombed? Don’t you think someone should do something to protect these ancient Churches in the Holy Land not to mention the faithful that worship there? It’s not even legal to own a Bible in many of these countries!What is your point about what the Church teachings about self defense ? Is there a country that the Muslims are attacking ? IF there is then by all means have the Church declare a Crusade to help save it. As it stands now, I don’t see an immenet threat to call for a Crusade, and I certainly would not call for one simply because Islam is growing faster than Christianity.
Council of Trent on the 5th CommandmentSorry, I don’t buy this killing for the Lord nonsense. No priest or sermon I ever heard of and no passage that I know of has ever justified such behavior…
Killing In A Just War
In like manner, the soldier is guiltless who, actuated not by motives of ambition or cruelty, but by a pure desire of serving the interests of his country, takes away the life of an enemy in a just war.
Furthermore, there are on record instances of carnage executed by the special command of God. The sons of Levi, who put to death so many thousands in one day, were guilty of no sin; when the slaughter had ceased, they were addressed by Moses in these words: “You have consecrated your hands this day to the Lord.”
Let me just say that I voted for choice ‘D’ in the poll.If the world will not protect her with military force possibly the Chruch should put together and army and go on a crusade to protect her and her people.
What do you think?
Hello JSmitty,Let me just say that I voted for choice ‘D’ in the poll.
Speaking of the poll, I’m kind of disturbed at how many people think that the original crusades weren’t justifiable. If you voted that way, what led you to such a conclusion? Also, have you read any Catholic apologetics material on the subject or is your only knowledge of it based on what you learned in high school?
would it be legal to own a Koran after the “Crusade” was finished?Why are you so hung up over countries? Do you know nothing of the harsh persecutions individual Christians face in the Middle East? Ever heard of Abdul Rahman? Well, if you haven’t, you won’t for long. He’s being executed for converting to Christianity. How about all the Churches that are bombed? Don’t you think someone should do something to protect these ancient Churches in the Holy Land not to mention the faithful that worship there? It’s not even legal to own a Bible in many of these countries!