When it’s certain or very possible the baby will be born with VERY serious diseases, syndromes or malfunctions that will make his life unbearable, can we, as catholics, still stand by the fact it’s immoral to terminate the pregnancy?
I’m talking about terminating said pregnancy with said problems only for the sake of the fetus, to not condemn him to a life of incredible suffering. So can abortion almost be an act of mercy towards this child in those circumstances?
Second question:
The fact that life is given by God and we need to surrender to his will is the first defense that comes to my mind to oppose abortion in every case, including this one but this leads me to another question: how could God, who is merciful and good, send on this earth a baby with a condition or disease without mercy, incredibly painful for the child and the family?
I’m talking about terminating said pregnancy with said problems only for the sake of the fetus, to not condemn him to a life of incredible suffering. So can abortion almost be an act of mercy towards this child in those circumstances?
Second question:
The fact that life is given by God and we need to surrender to his will is the first defense that comes to my mind to oppose abortion in every case, including this one but this leads me to another question: how could God, who is merciful and good, send on this earth a baby with a condition or disease without mercy, incredibly painful for the child and the family?
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