My son was born with brain abnormalities which resulted in cerebral palsy (quadra paresis) and multiple disabilities. He needs 100% physical care, he is nonverbal, he eats a little by mouth but has a g-tube to meet his nutritional needs, and he has uncontrollable seizures. None of this has prevented him from having a joyful and blessed life. He loves listening to stories, watching TV, getting in the swimming pool, going on nature walks in his wheelchair, going to our cabin, going to the beach, etc. He loves music, concerts in the park, and has a great sense of humor. It hurts me when I have to explain to people why his life has value. So many people can’t see past his disabilities and assume he’s suffering and living a miserable life. He, of course, has his challenges, but he’s happy, healthy (rarely gets sick), and loved. He’s 22 years old now and my husband and I were shocked when we had to begin advocating for him the day he was born. We didn’t understand the depth of his disabilities at that time, but we knew the depth of our love and we became fierce protectors of his precious little soul.
He has a mission in life, just as we all do. His love is pure and I’ve learned so much from him. We’ve taken him to Mass since he was born. He smiles and “sings.” I often feel the veil is thin for him and he receives spiritual consolations I can’t see. He’s definitely been responsible for conversions, including his own daddy, who was an unbeliever and became Catholic. As parents, we’ve had to make sacrifices, but the trials and things we’ve given up seem trivial in comparison to loving our son and making sure he’s well cared for. Those who abort due to disability, especially those who are otherwise opposed to abortion, have no idea about sacrificial love and trick themselves into thinking abortion is loving and merciful when it’s the exact opposite.