Can Angels control the weather?

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Jesus is not an angel.

Angels are created beings, they are neither God nor human.

Christ is the Incarnation fully God and fully Man.

Christ had dominion over waves, etc. because He is God.
“Which was obvious because he was tempted to have angels save him”
Can you please elaborate on how that proves Jesus’ Divinity, or how that proves He was not an angel?

Also in this cult they argued Jesus was an angel in bodily form, much like the Nephilim. But I wont go into that, I just want to focus on Jesus divinity, and whether or not Matthew 8:27 proves His Divinity or whether an angel would or would not be able to stop the waves/wind. It seems according to a few commenters here, yes they would be by the power of God, thus this passage cannot prove Jesus’s Divinity.
So then the passage from Matthew 8:27 would not in this case prove Jesus’s Divinity, because if to a person who believes Jesus is an angel, then Jesus could be using the power of God?
Yes I am out of the cult but no that does not clear it up for me. I spent a long time studying with them and as they are not a well known cult, there is not much to disprove their beliefs, except for some writings by saints against the early Gnostic and Arian heresies. But even then it doesnt quite apply.
I do not claim this is the reality of it. I only think sometimes that this could be the case.

Angels, we understand are immense beings; not in a physical sense, but in the sense of complexity, beauty and power. I recall one theologian opining that if we truly perceived an angel, we would not for a second doubt it was God.

So what is the purpose, even the function, of these wonderous beings? Do they “sit” idle? Do they do something in the physical or spiritual universes? St. Thomas Aquinas assures us they’re all of a different genus. None is like any of the others.

Among my mental meanderings, I have sometimes imagined that they greatly resemble what we would call “principles”, or at least are “in charge” of them. One angel, for example, might not only direct the behavior of photons in stars and/or the action of the tiniest of all particles, but “direct” the principles by which they operate, partaking of the wondrous nature of God in doing so. The “thought” of how atoms work is in the Mind of God, the Originator, but the angel “participates” in it and takes joy in its operation as part of the “singing” in the “heavenly choir”; a harmony of such parts and principles working together in a whole so complex our brains would surely explode if an angel so much as told us its “name”; its “name” of course, being its “nature” in full.

Other angels might coordinate with the “atom” angel, cooperating with it to direct the winds of the earth and of Jupiter according to additional principles; those “principles” being the “nature” of the angel itself. And do they have an agency in the chemistry of our brains, our interaction with the environment and our behavior to the extent we do not foil their aciton?

I remember reading how St. Francis of Assisi “saw” an angel in the sky as an enormous being that took up the whole sky. Whatever they are, I think they’re “big” beyond our ability to even come close to comprehension.

So why do they do all of this stuff and most interestingly, why do they bother to interact with such piddling creatures as us? The answer, I think, is that they love God so intensely they love what He loves without even trying to do it. And God has them doing what He has them doing because He loves them and makes them immensely happy being what they are and doing what they’re doing.

Kind of fun to think about. 🙂
So then the passage from Matthew 8:27 would not in this case prove Jesus’s Divinity, because if to a person who believes Jesus is an angel, then Jesus could be using the power of God?
I think that passage doesn’t prove that Jesus is Divine. Only that He had power and that the apostles didn’t yet realize the full truth about Him.
Also in this cult they argued Jesus was an angel in bodily form, much like the Nephilim. But I wont go into that, I just want to focus on Jesus divinity, and whether or not Matthew 8:27 proves His Divinity
Mt. 8:27 on its own would not prove Jesus’ divinity. Other passages do however.

Eg. Hebrews 1:1-4 .…he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power. When he had made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has obtained is more excellent than theirs.

There are so many other Scripture passages that it would take far too long to list them all. Here are just a very few. Mt. 11:27; Mt. 26:63-64; Mark 14:61-62; John 1:1-4, 14; John 3:16 & 18 (ONLY Son); & John closes his gospel with the following statement: “these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.”
or whether an angel would or would not be able to stop the waves/wind. It seems according to a few commenters here, yes they would be by the power of God, thus this passage cannot prove Jesus’s Divinity.
If God allows/grants permission to stop waves/wind, to an angel/s (good or bad), then yes, they could do it. But like us, all their powers, even continued existence, are contingent on God and His will.
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o they do nothing on earth that God has not told them to.
You mean they have no free will?
Angels exercise their free will at the moment God creates them. They choose to either serve him or not serve him. If they choose to serve him, they choose to do so completely and always. If they choose not to serve him, that choice is also complete and eternal. What angels (or demons) cannot do is change their minds, once made up.
If God delegates this task to them, then I guess it’s a yes.
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