Can first cousins marry?

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Can anyone help out here?
Firstly is it allowed?
Secondly are there allowances if the answer is no such as age of people (40) and that they wouldnt be having children??

You need to get a dispensation from your bishop, and it needs to be legal as far as state law is concerned.
Resists mandatory hick joke.

But, hey, I do have a cousin who’s pretty hot!
Canonically, it doesn’t look like it’s permissible:

“Can. 1091 §2. In the collateral line marriage is invalid up to and including the fourth degree.”


“Can. 1078 §3. A dispensation is never given from the impediment of consanguinity in the direct line or in the second degree of the collateral line.”

I think your diocesan tribunal should be able to quickly answer this question.
It’s permissible if one receives a dispensation.

“second degree of the collateral line” means brother and sister.

Even if it’s against civil law, if you receive a dispensation and the bishop agrees to allow you to marry, you could go ahead and marry anyway although it might not be advisable.
Resists mandatory hick joke.

But, hey, I do have a cousin who’s pretty hot!
I would not mind marrying my beutiful counsin from Wisconsin. She is a great woman.
I actually fell in love with my SECOND cousin once, she was soooooooooooooo beutiful.
Is that even legal? My cousin once told me I was pretty. 😉 I like my husband a whole lot better though.
tuopaolo said:
“second degree of the collateral line” means brother and sister.

I think you’re right. Cousins would be in the 4th degree of the collateral line, and so while it is an impediment, a dispensation is possible. I found this interesting discussion:

"This impediment, in the collateral line, can be dispensed.

“However, the Archdiocese [of Chicago] will not issue a dispensation for a marriage which is taking place contrary to civil law. In the State of Illinois, first cousins may not marry unless they are of a certain age. Therefore, the Archdiocese will not issue a dispensation for first cousins to marry. This only applies to marriages for which a civil marriage license must be obtained. It does not apply to convalidations where a civil marriage has already taken place.”

If this website is accurate, the condition that permits of first-cousin marriages in Illinois is “if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.”
I would not mind marrying my beutiful counsin from Wisconsin. She is a great woman.
I actually fell in love with my SECOND cousin once, she was soooooooooooooo beutiful.
another perv… 😃

Can anyone help out here?
Firstly is it allowed?
Secondly are there allowances if the answer is no such as age of people (40) and that they wouldnt be having children??

Yes, but they can’t have sex…ever.
Even if it’s against civil law, if you receive a dispensation and the bishop agrees to allow you to marry, you could go ahead and marry anyway although it might not be advisable.
In the past I did a LOT of research on this subject, and I think you’re wrong on this. The church will not perform any marriage that violates civil law.
You may want to read some of the letter that St. paul wrote.

I believe he talks about this in there. I will find other references and get back to you.

God Bless
Catechism of the Catholic Church #2388 Incest designates intimate relations between relatives or in-laws within a degree that prohibits marriage between them. St. paul stigmatizes this especially grave offense: “it is actually reported that there is immoratlity among you…for a man is living with his father’s wife…in the name of the lord Jesus…you are to deliver this man to Satan for destruction of the flesh…” Incest corrupts family relationships and marks a regression toward animality.
Folks, this is not a southern phenomina. Unfortunately, I got into this dicussion on another internet site. It is LEGAL to marry your first cousin in the state of Maine. YUCK!!
AND in Newport Vermont, they have such a “little” problem with incest there is a mental health facility smack dab in the middle of the town to deal with it.
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