If God comes down and takes your life from you, is he guilty of murder? If God wipes out a race of people is he guilty of genocide?
Assume that they are all without sin.The short answer: No.
I believe God is merciful and just. If he takes away someone’s life, He would be acting within His nature which would be mercifully or with justice.
Even civil law applies differently to persons in different stations and circumstances, and without prejudice to justice. I cannot do the same things a president does, or a general, or even a soldier. Not because those positions are exempt from moral standards (assuming good law), but because they have authority which I do not. God, being the author of everything, has unlimited authority including the authority to give and take life. The reason we can only take life under some circumstances is that the life does not belong to us. It does, however, belong to God.By definition, he is exempt from any standard of behavior he imposes on Christianity.
God being Who He is. Who can even come close to judging Him guilty??If God comes down and takes your life from you, is he guilty of murder? If God wipes out a race of people is he guilty of genocide?
There is a famous quote in the New Testament that says something to the effect of ‘he who is without sin, cast the first stone’. The implication being that none of those he was speaking to was without sin. We are all sinners. If I assume that they are all without sin, you’re asking me that they all be like Adam and Eve before the fall. So going with your presumption that they are all without sin, then God would not wipe them out, so your questions would not be applicable. If God were to destroy Adam and Eve and they were sinless…well that not only goes against God’s nature, it’s unbiblical since (as the story goes) Adam and Eve did not merit death until after their fall from grace.Assume that they are all without sin.
Depends on your definition of kill. If God comes down and kills 10 sinless people what happens?Assume that they are all without sin.
All that He creates belongs to Him including our lives. He only takes what is His to take. Temporal life is sacred but not an absolute value. He knows and does what is best for the eternal salvation of our souls.If God comes down and takes your life from you, is he guilty of murder? If God wipes out a race of people is he guilty of genocide?
This is, I think, the bluntest and bravest response to such a question. This is to say “God holds us to a different standard than he holds himself” and it requires us to ask “then which standard represents true goodness?”No christian will ever give you any answer other then “no”.
By definition, he is exempt from any standard of behavior he imposes on Christianity.
But, it is simply not true. God is not like man that he should lie. I would rather listen to God than all the theories of man.This is, I think, the bluntest and bravest response to such a question. This is to say “God holds us to a different standard than he holds himself” and it requires us to ask “then which standard represents true goodness?”
God doesn’t kill anyone. He does, however, send his angels to reap the harvest; yet he restores their life in eternity.If God comes down and takes your life from you, is he guilty of murder? If God wipes out a race of people is he guilty of genocide?
But then, the parable is meant for self-reflection.Jesus proposed a parable to the crowds.
“The Kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man
who sowed good seed in his field.
While everyone was asleep his enemy came
and sowed weeds all through the wheat, and then went off.
When the crop grew and bore fruit, the weeds appeared as well.
The slaves of the householder came to him and said,
‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field?
Where have the weeds come from?’
He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’
His slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
He replied, ‘No, if you pull up the weeds
you might uproot the wheat along with them.
Let them grow together until harvest;
then at harvest time I will say to the harvesters,
“First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning;
but gather the wheat into my barn.”
Might makes Right is not really a good answer. Some other posters have given some good answers to this thread.No.
He is the CREATOR
We are merely His creations.
No matter how high my IQ is or your IQ is, God’s IQ is infinity.
God is INFINITE in every way.
And don’t you ever forget it.
Just because He allows you to share in some grace or other, we are merely creations.
Just because He has given you a voice, or a brain, that means nothing.
We can use our gifts for His purposes.
And that’s about it.
That is might makes right.Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. If there was no law against it, it wouldn’t be murder. God makes His own laws.
I think that you can work it out from there.