After a few days of researching and praying here is my reply to this topic. I hope it helps.
Phillipians 2:1-8
I use this Scripture as one example of how Christ is humble. Jesus Christ is the Image of God, the Eternal Word Made Flesh. If Jesus Christ is humble, then it follows that God is humble.
And now with that stated, here’s the rest of the post.
Okay, we are going to be hitting some pretty heavy stuff here. This is taken from the Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Dr. Ludwig Ott. The following is a De Fide doctrine, this may help better to explain things better than I can do.
I am going to lay a bit of a foundation before laying down the De Fide doctrine.
The attributes or properties of God [which Humility would be one] are perfections which, according to our analogical mode of thinking, proceed from the metaphysical substance of God and belong to it. Hence, we only know being of the absolutely simple Divine Substance “in part” [1 Cor 13:9], ie.e in a multiplicity of inadeqaute concepts, by which we know individual perfections of God truly but inadequately.
The Divine Attributes are really identical among themseves and with the Divine Essence. [De Fide]
The reason lies in the absolute simplicity of God. The acceptance of a real distinction would lead to acceptance of a compsition in God, and with that to a dissolution of the Godhead…
[skipping a few paragraphs]
Holy Scripture inidcates the idenity of the Essence and the attributes of God, when it says “God is Charity” [John 4:8] St. Augustine teaches Quod habet, hoc est - “What God has, that He is.”
Okay here’s another De Fide doctrine.
God is absolutely simple [De Fide]
Two things I mean here.
- God is pure spirit, that is God is neither a body nor a composition of body and spirit.
- [This one I am interested in this thread] God is an absolutely simple spirit, that is, in God there is no composition of any kind, of substance, or accidents, of essence and existence, of nature and person, of power and activity, of passivity and activity, of genus and specific difference.
God is absolute Benignity [De Fide]
God’s benignity reveals itself in that He bestows on created things countless gifts in the natrual and supernatural order, and thus permits them to particpate in His goodness [creation, preservation, providence, redemption, sanctification.]
Questions or coments are welcome.
God bless.