Although technically it could be argued that, as Catholics, we are not obliged to believe in the message of Fatima, neither are we permitted to discourage or dissuade anyone else from believing Our Blessed Mother’s words.
Fatima’s message is just as important and applicable to our present-day world . I believe we as Catholics have a responsibility, anytime someone just waltzes onto the thread deciding that they are going to ridicule our faith and insult God simultaneously : If we can prove how thoughtless the ridicule and insult to God is, and how devoid of reasoning the post is , it appears in our better interest to post such a response. I believe I may have such a response to a post which calls God a deceiver. That we may be sure God is not a deceiver, I present my reasoning (in 2 parts) to refute the post directly below.
If it’s contradictory for an object to be both circular and not circular at the same time, then I’m not seeing how the Sun dancing and not dancing at the same time would not also be contradictory.
As I understand it, truth cannot contradict truth. Accordingly, if the Sun truly danced at Fatima, then it seems that it cannot also be true that the Sun didn’t dance everywhere. If some people didn’t see the Sun dancing, it wasn’t because the Sun wasn’t dancing, it was because God caused them to perceive that it wasn’t dancing – and I regard that as an act of deception on God’s part.
Even by those, um,
standards, that still wouldn’t account for the people living on the other side of the planet who were in the darkness of night while the sun was out at Fatima - would it ? Leading up to miracle of the sun we are told that it had been raining at the Cova da Iria, and that the clouds were dark in color - I wonder how much of the world which was in daylight at that same moment also had overcast skies that day as well (which would’ve obscured their view of the sun) ?
We should first, from the outset clarify an important point according to Scripture :
That to call God a
deceiver, is to impute to Him the properties of the antichrist ; together with those of Satan and his wiles.
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. (2 John 1:7 )
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. (Revelation 12:9 )
So, to begin with, calling God the Devil - is ,by comparison, the ultimate in
calling something both circular and not circular at the same time ; particularly when the nature of each is considered.
It is neither commendable , nor even logical.