"And in my providence I give to each of you in particular the man-“And I saw that truly nothing happens by accident or luck, but everything by God’s wise providence. If it seems to be accident or luck from our point of view, our blindness and lack of foreknowledge is the cause; for matters that have been in God’s foreseeing wisdom since before time began befall us suddenly, all unawares; and so in our blindness and ignorance we say that this is accident or luck, but to our Lord God it is not so.”
― Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love
ner of life and death I choose. Hunger, thirst, loss of worldly position,
nakedness, cold, heat, insults, abuse, slander all these things I allow
people to say and do to you. Not that I am the source of the malice and
ill will of those who do these evil and harmful things; I only grant
them their existence and time. I did not give them existence to sin
against me and their neighbors, but so that they might serve me and
others with loving charity. But I permit these actions either to test the
virtue of patience in the soul who is their object, or to make the sinners
aware of what they are doing.
Sometimes I let the whole world be against the just, and in the end
they die a death that leaves worldly people stunned in wonder. It
seems to them unjust to see the just perishing now at sea, now in fire,
now mangled by beasts, now physically killed when their houses col-
lapse on top of them. How unreasonable these things seem to the eye
unenlightened by most holy faith! But not so to the faithful, for
through love they have found and experienced my providence in all
those great things. Thus they see and grasp that I do what I do provi-
dentially, only to bring about your salvation. Therefore they hold ev-
erything in reverence. They are not scandalized in themselves nor in
my works nor in their neighbors, but pass through everything with
true patience. My providence is never denied to anyone; it seasons ev-
Sometimes people think that the hail and storms and lightning I
rain upon their bodies are cruel. In their judgment I have no care for
their well-being. I have done these things to rescue them from eternal
death, but they believe the opposite.
Thus do worldly people try to distort my every work and inter-
pret it after their own base understanding."
__St Catherine of Siena (Doctor of the Church), The Dialogue- Divine Providence