I think you’ve misunderstood me. I know that His purpose in the Incarnation was to make propitiation for our sins. I’m not suggesting that He came down just to see what it was like to be human. I am just asking whether, even though He became human, he can experience the kind of psychological/spiritual suffering that we do.The purpose of the incarnation was to die for our sins. A perfect sinless sacrifice was needed to die for us. People just assumed God did it to understand man, no He did it to die for our sins, and His incarnation can be taken as a symbol to help us understand that God truly understands us. But God did not walk as man in human flesh to understand what it’s like to be human, He did it to die for our sins.
As I pointed out earlier in the thread, the term “understand” was probably a poor choice on my part. My question is whether God can empathize with our condition. In other words, is it logically possible for God to somehow experience the kinds of spiritual darkness that we do for Himself?I don’t know, you’re working hard at trying to dumb Him down in order to make this assumption of yours work.This whole question does not work unless you dumb God down to the intellect of humans who have to experience something in order to understand it. You have to dumb God down in order to even ponder this question. I can’t get past that.
Understanding something and experiencing it are, as I doubt many would argue, two entirely different things. I hope that makes my intentions clearer.