I think the issue the ‘con’ side has is conflating God’s understanding of something with, as the example given, the mere intellectual knowledge, divorced from experiential knowledge, that a doctor might have of an illness he or she has never suffered.
I might point out that God’s knowledge is far more perfect than human knowledge in every respect. He knows, understands, whatever word you want to use, everything - and in every possible way that it CAN be known, understood or whatever. And to the utmost degree that a thing can be known or understood. Not merely in every possible way or to the highest possible degree that a human being can know or understand it. That is what ‘omniscient’ means! Not just superior knowledge/understanding but the utmost - incomparably beyond any understanding that we can gain by any amount of either intellectualising or experience.

It’s like saying God is only as smart as we humans are, therefore since He never experienced those feelings can He truly understand us. The whole statement is negated by the fact that God is not only as smart as a human. So the whole argument is built on an untruth. It’s like saying dogs can fly, therefore can they truly fly faster than birds since they weigh more than birds? The whole question or argument is invalid because it’s based on an untruth and on the assumption that dogs can fly. LOL! Since dogs can’t fly then the whole argument is useless. Since God has intellect superior to humans and His mind doesn’t work like ours, the whole argument is useless.