Can God withdraw a vocation?

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If someone that commited the worst sins later feels called to religious life, does the past sins prevent the person from becoming a religious, assuming that the person is repentant? Can God withdraw a vocation because of sin? Would it be a sin if a person that sinned badly and regretted joins a religious order, for example?
Or the vocation continues even if the person commited the worst kind of sins?
Thank you!
God can forgive even the worst sins. St Paul started his life killing Christians. He ended it by being an important Apostle who’s writings make up a large part of the New Testament. If God can do that with Paul, he can certainly redeem any other sinner.
I would speak with your priest, and go from there. It may result in a call to the director of vocations in your archdiocese. Discerning a vocation can take years and be very challenging.

Not a single one of us would be in the Church, in any capacity, if past sins excluded us.

Make certain that you are running toward what you love and not from what you hate.
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If someone that commited the worst sins later feels called to religious life, does the past sins prevent the person from becoming a religious, assuming that the person is repentant?
With God everything is possible. The greatness of his love is unspeakable.
My favorite example is that of saint Augustine.
“There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future.”

Take a look at this article

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If someone that commited the worst sins later feels called to religious life, does the past sins prevent the person from becoming a religious, assuming that the person is repentant? Can God withdraw a vocation because of sin? Would it be a sin if a person that sinned badly and regretted joins a religious order, for example?
Or the vocation continues even if the person commited the worst kind of sins?
Thank you!
To be more precise: God’s vocation calling existed since before you took flesh. Rather than God who withdraws the vocation, it is we who reject the vocation by loving sin more than God. God remains unchanged, but grants us the freedom both to sin and to repent. His will for your life was, and is and always will be the same.
There are lots of Christian Saints who have very questionable pasts and were serious sinners. But they changed and turned from the life they lived. With today’s standards it would of been held against them as this world never truly forgives anymore and can’t forget the past - your stain will follow you today.
If a person goes to confession in the catholic faith and is repentant they are forgiven unfortunately you have to deal with the damage done and society never forgets and are not very forgiving.
Q: Do you know that your sins have been forgiven?
2. Have you repented in your heart?
3. If so, and you believe you are called - Who is calling?
4. Are you the slightest bit scrupulous?

Please speak with Father about this, as it sounds - only sounds - like you are entertaining doubt. We can doubt ourselves, and should, but we are not to doubt the Lord.
For this reason, there is a long period of discernment, including self-examination as well as examination by the Church. Can’t just walk in and join, like a secular club or organization.

OP seems to have doubts about the self- which is a good starting point. Where it ends up, God alone knows.
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