I am dealing with this issue myself. I have a friend who is now a two time divorced woman. First husband was abusive to her (mentally, physically and emotionally) and her second husband was rushed into marriage by his mom and it fell apart this year. She and I have the best of times together as friends. I’ve been literally the only one she has confided in about her life. I have held her while she has cried, laughed with her and helped her out these past 9 months after she separated from her husband. She has been divorced since 12/17/14. During this time she has had a relationship with a guy but it’s just like a return to her first marriage in that he abuses her and has driven her self esteem down. I remained a friend and never looked at her in a dating sense until the last week or so. I said one night that after having our friendship grow exponentially the last nine months we really seem to be good for each other (uplifting, supportive and there for each other) and I jokingly asked her if she ever split from her current situation that we should try. She said that while she has never looked at me that way, she does think I am an attractive man and that I would be a good man for a woman to be with. She also stated that she didn’t want to jeopardize her friendship with me by giving it a shot but (in her words) you just never know what could and will happen and then winked at me. She moved a week ago and told me she balled her eyes out when she was no longer going to be living near me and that I would be the only thing she will miss about the town we both lived in.
I don’t believe either of her marriages were in any church. I really like this woman. She brings out an entirely different side of me that no one else ever has. My biggest fear is that if she wanted to give it a try with me that I wouldn’t be able to because of her previous marriages that would prevent that. I’m not giving up my Catholic faith to date or marry someone, but I may have found someone who might be willing to give a true gentleman a try and for once both of us could be in a healthy and happy relationship. That’s one of the things about our faith that was easier to understand and deal with on a personal level. Emotions and feelings happen even while you do your best to control them. When someone has had such a bad life of being so mistreated in it (molested, raped, psychological abuse, self esteem destroyed, ability to trust anyone destroyed) it makes it harder when you find someone who makes you forget about all of that and makes you feel so good and you can’t have them around you as a spouse. It’s tough, very tough.