Can I defend other religions if I post in the Other Religions section?

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There are many members of other religions who come here to defend their religion’s ideals / debate Catholics on theological issues. As long as you’re civil about it, I don’t think it’s ever been an issue. (Unless you’re just spewing hatred at any religion, in which case you’ll get in trouble).

May I ask why you’d want to? You’re Catholic, right? While other religions may have positive aspects to them, only The Church has the fullness of the Truth.
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Defend them against what?

If somebody called Presbyterians a bunch of nasty names or said they worshipped Satan or whatever, I’d probably defend them because my husband and in-laws were Presbyterians. But if somebody was claiming Presbyterianism was correct about theological areas where it differed from Catholicism, I wouldn’t defend that.
I’m not sure that the forum has rules on that, but if you’re holding yourself out as a Catholic on the forum, you should only be defending doctrines of other religions if their doctrine agrees with that of Catholicism.

Otherwise it doesn’t make much sense to be a Catholic but defend the doctrine of some totally different faith that disagrees with your own. And probably some other Catholics would notice that and call you ou on it.
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From time to time we have had threads such as “I’m a Muslim, ask me anything” and “Answers from an Orthodox Jew”. Nothing wrong with that, as long as the discussion remains civil.
Answers from an Orthodox Jew Non-Catholic Religions
Not having visited the site since before Passover, I see many questions and comments directed toward me in the now-closed thread Ask me anything (almost) about Judaism Therefore, I am just making known that I plan to address these questions in brief in this space, either later tonight or tomorrow. Thank you all for your interest.
Sure, that’s what the Non-Catholic Religions forum is for. As long as they’re respectful to Catholicism and don’t start insulting us or the Pope or Mother Mary or anything, it’s fine for them to discuss their own doctrines in that forum.
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Sure, that’s what the Non-Catholic Religions forum is for. As long as they’re respectful to Catholicism and don’t start insulting us or the Pope or Mother Mary or anything, it’s fine for them to discuss their own doctrines in that forum.
Yes, and that’s good.

I am always annoyed though when non Catholics start giving advice to Catholics that is not consistent with the faith on some threads! That’s what gets to me.
I’m not sure that the forum has rules on that, but if you’re holding yourself out as a Catholic on the forum, you should only be defending doctrines of other religions if their doctrine agrees with that of Catholicism.

Otherwise it doesn’t make much sense to be a Catholic but defend the doctrine of some totally different faith that disagrees with your own. And probably some other Catholics would notice that and call you ou on it.
Well, I guess there is one more possibility: if no one comes to represent the side of another religion, a Catholic might “role play” as a representative of it to give others someone to argue with. But then a catholic really should make it clear that is what he is doing.

There is a historical precedent. For example, when Jesuits were invited to Grand Duchy of Lithuania to combat Protestantism, they were organising disputes with Protestants. Eventually Protestants discovered that they tend to lose such disputes and stopped participating. Then Jesuits started organising disputes when one of them took up playing the part of a Protestant.

I guess we could put it shortly: clarity is good, deception is not.
Respect is a thing that goes both ways. Some who have already answered on here understand that, but others don’t (who also answered on here).

It may seem like some posters are against what is posted in this section of CAF. But then again, the heading should speak for itself. Please defend what you feel you should. But also call out the disrespect as is so clear here at times!
I am always annoyed though when non Catholics start giving advice to Catholics that is not consistent with the faith on some threads! That’s what gets to me.
I generally just state in the thread that the poster giving the advice is not Catholic, unless they clearly stated, “I’m (whatever religion they are) and we believe that…”. If they persist in giving non-Catholic advice to people who are clearly seeking the “Catholic Answer” I will flag their posts as leading people astray/ causing confusion about Catholic belief.

Some of them get annoyed when I do that, but the problem is that people who come here seeking a “Catholic answer” or even just read the threads often don’t know what the Catholic Church actually teaches, and when some non-Catholic decides to jump in and give an answer from a non-Catholic perspective, it creates a lot of confusion as to the Church teaching. For example, all those helpful Protestants who insist on telling Catholics with confession questions that they don’t need to confess to a priest, it’s okay to just tell God you’re sorry.
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I generally just state in the thread that the poster giving the advice is not Catholic, unless they clearly stated, “I’m (whatever religion they are) and we believe that…”. If they persist in giving non-Catholic advice to people who are clearly seeking the “Catholic Answer” I will flag their posts as leading people astray/ causing confusion about Catholic belief.
There are sometimes non Catholics who give good advice that is consistent with Church teaching, although often fundamentalist Protestants will say deliberately anti-Catholic things (often they just list their religion as ‘Christian’ :confused:).
although often fundamentalist Protestants will say deliberately anti-Catholic things (often they just list their religion as ‘Christian’ :confused:).
Are you talking about when protestants make a distinction by calling us Catholics as opposed to Christian? We should take that as a compliment because Catholics were the first Christians.
Yes, but we are the Truest of the Christians and possess the Full Christian Faith.

My point is that some Protestants refuse to be called Protestants and claim that they’re just ‘Christian’.
My point is that some Protestants refuse to be called Protestants and claim that they’re just ‘Christian’.
They may or may not… point you towards history. And although history is a pretty interesting thing thing, fact still stands that Protestant would mean none other than the Protest at the Diet of Spyer. Unless you meant that, there is no usefulness in using that term.
I generally just state in the thread that the poster giving the advice is not Catholic, unless they clearly stated, “I’m (whatever religion they are) and we believe that…”. If they persist in giving non-Catholic advice to people who are clearly seeking the “Catholic Answer” I will flag their posts as leading people astray/ causing confusion about Catholic belief.
Sometimes it is in the interest of everyone to check the “catagory” of the post. This is in the non-Catholic section of this forum.

Sure… you do not like the Catholic part of the post. And maybe you do not like it or how it is stated. But take note and please take note. Many many times so much disrespect flies around here that it is no longer funny. It happens! Take note of that please.
There is a historical precedent. For example, when Jesuits were invited to Grand Duchy of Lithuania to combat Protestantism, they were organising disputes with Protestants. Eventually Protestants discovered that they tend to lose such disputes and stopped participating. Then Jesuits started organising disputes when one of them took up playing the part of a Protestant.
Not that I am saying this was not the case but it sounds like a very interesting occurrence. Do you have a source so I can research this part of the history a bit more?
Not that I am saying this was not the case but it sounds like a very interesting occurrence. Do you have a source so I can research this part of the history a bit more?
Adolfas Šapoka, “Lietuvos istorija”, Kaunas, 1936, p. 255 (“C. Lietuvos vidaus santykiai XVI amž.” (“Internal relations in Lithuania in 16th centrury”)): “Be mokyklų, katalikiškai auklėjančių jaunąją kartą, jėzuitai dar kovojo su protestantais ir kitokiais būdais. Jie ruošdavo tikybinius disputus, kuriuose savo moksliškumu nugalėdavo protestantų teologus. Kai protestantai pradėjo vengti disputų, jie tokiuos disputus rengdavo vieni; vienas jų narys stodavo ginti protestantizmo, išdėstydamas protestantų argumentus, o kitas, ginąs katalikybę, sugriaudavo tuos argumentus.” Translation: “In addition to schools, teaching the young generation in a Catholic way, Jesuits also fought with Protestants in other ways. They prepared religious disputes, where by their scholarship they defeated Protestant theologians. When Protestants started to avoid disputes, they started to prepare such disputes alone; one of their members defended Protestantism, presenting Protestant arguments, another one, defending Catholicism, defeated those arguments.”.
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