Depending on your age, it may also be possible to be emancipated from your parents (meaning you are independent before 18), but that is also a complicated legal process.
Doesn’t it also means you have to pay your own way in life unless you can get someone else to help you. You are legally saying your parents have no responsibility for you, at all?
@JoshuaHamm2004194, I’m was asking which specific Protestant church, but it sounds more like it’s just your parents whom have a problem with the ‘Our Father’ prayer not the church.
Are being abused by your parents? If you are, you need to go to the authority, social services, the police.
but it’s
not a sin to go to a Protestant service… I’m active in both a Catholic church and a Lutheran church… the priests of both churches know that I attend both services every Sunday.
Lying to God, on the other hand is a different story. God knows what is in your heart and mind, never lie to Him about the relationship you
want to have with Him… no matter where you go to worship Him.
So unless the church your family is forcing you to go to does not worship God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. I would just by my time and be respectful to my parents… doesn’t mean I can’t say the ‘Our Father’ every time I want to even if it’s only in the privacy of my heart, mind and bedroom.