Can I put a crucifix on the ceiling?

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Over the summer, I took… 59 is it? illegally copied CDs and taped them to the ceiling in my bedroom to make a Rosary. Because I am a teenager and therefore entitled to be weird.

If you don’t believe me, I have pictures:
close-up of where the crucifix belongs:
the whole thing, with a crucifix I drew on microsoft paint:

But now it is the middle of winter and I still do not have a crucifix. Is it okay to buy a crucifix (possibly blessed) and attach it to the ceiling? (Any tips on how to attach it securely so it doesn’t fall on my head while I’m sleeping?) Or does anybody have a brilliant idea for making a crucifix (I still have some CDs left)?
Very cool!

Maybe tape the cases to form a cross, and draw a corpus to place on top.
I thought about that, but… none of the CDs have cases. My brother used to buy stacks of 100 and keep them on a spindle thing. Then he grew up and gave me all the CDs.

And I have very little artistic ability, although I may be able to get one of my friends to draw it for me.

Thank you!
why does the rosary have to be on the ceiling and not on the wall?
That is beautiful!

You could make a cross out of styrofoam (sp?) and just pin it to the ceiling.

  1. Find a crucifix that is the correct size for your rosary.
  2. Get a block of florists foam (very impressionable) that would be large enough to make the cross
  3. Make an imprint of the corpus from the real crucific onto the block of florist’s foam
  4. Cut the cross out of the foam
  5. Paint the corpus and cross part of the foam different colors.
  6. Pin it to the ceiling flat, or have it hang down (make the corpus on both sides of the foam.
Good luck!

You may want to check with your priest, but I have never heard that it is wrong to hang a crucifix on the ceiling (although that’s not saying much 😃 ). I like Debbie’s idea of letting the crucifix hang down off the ceiling. If you decided to do that, you could get a crucifix with a metal hoop on the top (for hanging) and hang it on a cup hook screwed into the ceiling. Of course, you should make sure the ceiling can withstand the weight of the crucifix and not cause the hook to tear out.

If you lay the crucifix flat on the ceiling, it might look “upside down” depending on where in the room you are, while if it hangs down, it will always be the right way up.

This is such a creative idea! Please let us know what you decided to do in the end and show us a picture of the finished product 🙂
Over the summer, I took… 59 is it? illegally copied CDs and taped them to the ceiling in my bedroom to make a Rosary. Because I am a teenager and therefore entitled to be weird.
Blubbbberrlllaaaa (come on we can freak them out together) bleeebulsplap. 😃

Other than that, isn’t attatching the crucifix to the wall enough?

My church use to hang a crucifix over the altar from the ceiling, but I think they considered it too dangerous and took it down.
Ahem. Illegally copied? Whassup?
I believe that’s why he put them on the ceiling and not in the cd player.
interesting. I have never heard that its WRONG to put a Crucifix on the ceiling. Maybe ask an Apologist?
If you could change the CD Positionings, you could make the end just start to go from the cieling onto the wall, and put the crucifix on the wall
I took a piece of corrugated plastic, which may be purchased cheaply at craft stores, and cut out icons I found online and used spray adhesive to attach them to the plastic. This looks cool if there’s light behind…a soft glow comes through the plastic and gives kind of a stained glass effect. I did a San Damiano Crucifix like this and hung it over my desk.

(by the way…the Rosary on the ceiling thing is awesome)

I thought you said crucifixes didn’t exist around where you lived…
Or was that just of the variety that you hang around your neck…

Buy a huge crucifix used for walls,. and tie that around your neck!
I should do that one day…
Hey, everybody, thanks!

why does the rosary have to be on the ceiling and not on the wall?
The ceiling was the only “empty slate.” The walls have windows, doors, and marks from where posters used to be. Plus, I already have it on the ceiling. While making it, I ruined a couple CDs while trying to move them. I used regular scotch tape to attach them to the ceiling, and sometimes the tape would rip the shiny foil off, leaving a clear spot in the CD. (Inspired, I tried to carve AVE in one CD and put a different color CD behind it. Didn’t work as well as I’d wanted.)

I think, though, if I’m careful enough (or find enough “backup” CDs of the same color), I might move the… pendant is it called? the section with three hail marys… I might move that to a different “our father/glory be” CD, and have it hang down the wall, then buy a wall crucifix.

Debbie - that takes so much work! Actually, the cross/crucifix thing I have on the wall on the other end of the room is about the perfect size - 15x12 inches. Though, it is pretty much two-dimensional. I like the foam idea, though. It can fall on my head and not wake me up.

CatholicSam - I have to be really careful in case it falls off - nothing too heavy - it’s right above where my head goes when I sleep.

Ahem. Illegally copied? Whassup?
So what, my brother was immature at one point in his life. He was getting rid of the CDs and I asked if I could have them. If it makes you feel any better, some of them are free aol promotions that came in the mail and in cereal boxes.

Blubbbberrlllaaaa (come on we can freak them out together) bleeebulsplap.
Oh, I agree!
Other than that, isn’t attatching the crucifix to the wall enough?
Yes, but then it will be about three feet from where it belongs.
My church use to hang a crucifix over the altar from the ceiling, but I think they considered it too dangerous and took it down.
Smart move. I, too, do not want to wake up in the middle of the night because of a falling crucifix.

The sacramentals are falling! The sacramentals are falling!

If you could change the CD Positionings, you could make the end just start to go from the cieling onto the wall, and put the crucifix on the wall
A possibility, as mentioned above, though I can’t move all of them, because the foil peels off, as mentioned above.

edward_george - hmm, I like that idea. Cheap, safe, and cool-looking. Where does one purchase spray adhesive? I’ve never heard of it.

I thought you said crucifixes didn’t exist around where you lived…
Or was that just of the variety that you hang around your neck…
Wall crucifixes are plentiful. Every classroom in my school, and most rooms in my house, have a wall crucifix. And the two rosaries I own, plus all the other ones I’ve seen, have crucifixes. I’ve only seen about three people wear crucifixes around their necks.
Buy a huge crucifix used for walls,. and tie that around your neck!
I should do that one day…
No. This is a bad idea.
Spray adhesive may be purchased at your local Wal-Mart or equivelant, near the Paints. It is in a spray-paint like can. I think the can we have is blue with an orange top…good stuff, but don’t get it on your fingers…kinda nasty if ya do…

I thought you said crucifixes didn’t exist around where you lived…
Or was that just of the variety that you hang around your neck…

Buy a huge crucifix used for walls,. and tie that around your neck!
I should do that one day…
I just said that today…in reaction to the BLINGAGE of the local population I figured I could bling and evangelize…get a big wall crucifix and have it gold-plated…wear it on a chain…

I also want to get a custom-made bling the size of a license plate that says KISS THE RINGS…that’d be an excellent piece for His Holiness, now wouldn’t it…I might have to have that made and send it to him…

Yeah I suppose it’s okay just as long as it doesn’t detach and fall on your head!!! :eek:
Okay, here’s my deal with Catholic bling:

Nekic, you’re a teenager, you should know what I mean here: You know when parents decide they’re not going to embarress their teenage sons/daughters and so they try to be cool, and it just doesn’t work? I mean the times you want to scream “You’re not a teenager. Don’t dress like one. Don’t talk like one. Don’t act like one.”

If it isn’t cool, trying to be cool is going to have a negative effect.

I see the same when my diocese tries to put on a teen retreat or something. Yeah, we can connect with teens. Eminem has some very Catholic lyrics, if you look deep enough. When will the “youth minister” types figure out that everything is superficial, and Catholicism is just the same? What we need is… oh, there was a great line in the Steubie magazine… dynamic orthodoxy. Make it direct, honest, and orthodox. Avoid superficiality at all costs.

Sorry to vent.

Catholic bling, I think, would run along the same lines. Trying really hard to connect but completely failing only because you were trying.

Although, I must say, thank you for bringing the idea up. I laughed every time I saw a crucifix for the past few days. And, as I mentioned before, I see them quite often.

And I think, some people might be able to pull it off. The type of guy who can get away with wearing pink plaid pants could wear a fifteen-inch crucifix. (that’s 37ish cm for you metric types)
I’ve seen churches with mosaic scenes of the Crucifixion on the ceiling
  • and it seems like CD’s come pretty close to being “tiles” of a sort -
    so why not?
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