The title basically says it all. I have been a cradle Catholic my entire life and have always been very active in the church. However, I thought it was ok if I didn’t 100% agree with the Church in some regards as long as I still followed the majority of it. My main issues are that I question the existence of Purgatory and I don’t believe in the Church’s stance on birth control. I have tried to convince myself to believe in these things, but I just can’t justify it. I still do believe in the sacraments, the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the angels and saints, and the significance of Mary. But the more I look into it, the Internet states that this is viewed as being a “cafeteria Catholic” and is an unacceptable practice. Can anyone provide insight into this? I only ask because I’m newly engaged and trying to decide my faith path by determining if I should(am allowed to) stay Catholic or follow my fiancé down a Protestant path.