arent you thinking way too much about it?? why shouldnt ur women want to come and tell you about stuff that happened in her life during the day??
They should, but what’s the purpose of relating the compliments? I don’t think they’re obliged to tell me and I can’t see any benefit in being told that. It’s not like I mind if it’s a normal part of a bigger narration, but, “Hello, darling. Mr X has told me I’m pretty,” is that honestly expected to get out of me a, “That’s wonderful, darling?”
You can’t possibly narrate everything everyone told you, so the selection matters - the most important things are told. Question is therefore, why should a compliment from a man be among the most important things?
shouldnt u be glad that she did instead of trying to think that there is some kind of ulterior motive to it…
If it pops up in narration, there’s no ulterior motive. If it’s sort of “confessed”, brought up as matter of honesty, then I’m moved, but I hope I’m not expected to confess every compliment taken myself. If it’s told separately, as the single news item, then there is most probably an ulterior motive of getting attention. And that kind of getting attention hurts me (physically even, sometimes), even if I make effort to try and be compassionate.

why should there be an ulterior motive to it unless she did not feel secure about the relationship with you and needed to tell you this in order to make you jealous??
You’ve just answered yourself.
if you do have had these kind of vibes from her, then i should think that you would want to know this in order to make her feel more secure!
That or make sure she isn’t forcing herself to stay with me against her heart and her mind. Sometimes you have to let go.
its the dynamics of every relationship… if you want to talk about everything that happened during the day as a way of sharing then that would be upto you, but if you are going to pick and choose what you will or will not let your significant other know, then that would mean that there is some hiding going on and if so, why? wouldnt it be better to get that part out in the open and resolve it instead of going through this charade for ever???
What charade? The fact someone’s told my girl she’s pretty doesn’t create any charade. It just happened. Good on her, good on him for being a charmant gentleman, nice for me to hear I have a pretty girlfriend. But not telling me that would certainly not be hiding. I sense that you insist it’s done out of honesty - and in that case, I respect that. But it’s not expedient otherwise, such as said without thinking or without any motive, if it’s not a part of a bigger narration - in other words, “hello, darling, Mr X has said I’m pretty.” Why would I need to be told that so specifically? If she feels the need to bring it up to make things clear, okay. If she wants bona fide to brag, fine. But other possible motives feel strange to me. It’s not like it’s wrong to say. The question is not why not say, but why say?
again, it comes down to the same thing… if she makes a friend at work who is nice and wants to share that with you, if you say no… how does she share those experiences with you? for instance, if this guy were a part of a group at work and had an incredible sense of humor, she would want to share it with you alongwith the jokes…
but if she felt that made you insecure, she would then need to hide it… why hide anything?
Nope. No need to make specific effort to cut it out of otherwise fluent narration. Surely not. But if it’s brought up separately and on its own then one gets to wonder. It also matters how the girl reacts if you describe a friend of yours in similar terms. I have a short tolerance for double standards. What makes me insecure is not when a girlfriend of mine says some guy is great but when she goes on about what great a guy he is (especially the more it’s about boyfriend qualities rather than friend qualities - don’t tell me you’d be happy to listen to your hypothetical partner talking about a girl’s great legs or how she oggled him or what great physique she had, how hot, smart, captivating, dazzling she were and whatnot) and it looks like she’s developing some kind of infatuation. Of course, I’m theorising here and this doesn’t refer or relate to the Opening Poster in any way.