Satan can attack us in our dreams, it is a form of Spiritual Warfare. Albeit, what you are experiencing is not extreme, it is still spiritual warfare and has its source. It can be caused for various reasons. As others have stated, coming to Christ can spark it, but also: the failure to live a Christian life, sins of commission or omission and also the sins of others (such as our parents). But we can also suffer from “Job Encounters” where God allows Satan to attack us in various ways to test our faith. Then there are also who are chosen to be suffering souls. All this can be found on The Saint Padre Pio Center website, which specializes in spiritual warfare and offers deliverance counseling. Here is the link to their website: saintpiocenter.org/
Secondly there are **no such things **as aliens and UFO’s. As Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the Chief Exorcist in Rome stated in his book, “An Exorcist Tells His Story” (the chapter on the Power of Satan): “Just as it would be wrong to deny the existence of Satan, it is also wrong to accept the prevalent opinion that there are spiritual beings that are not mentioned in the Bible. These are the invention of spiritists, of followers of the occult, of those who espouse reincarnation, or of those who believe in “wandering souls”. There are no good spirits other than angels; there are no evil spirits other than demons. Two Councils of the Church (Lyons and Florence) tell us that the souls of those who die go immediately to heaven or to hell or to purgatory. The souls of the dead who are present during seances or the souls of the dead who are present in living bodies to torture them are none other than demons. God allows a soul to return to earth only in very rare, exceptional cases, but we recognize that this subject is still full of unknowns.” Furthermore, if you look under the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance on the Saint Padre Pio Center website saintpiocenter.org/selfhelp/sevensteps.shtml UFO’s are considered New Age and Occult activity/philosophy and must be confessed and renounced.
Also, there is a woman by the name of Moira Noonan who is a New Ager turned Catholic and had a profound conversion experience with Christ. She was heavily involved in the New Age and the Occult, including the belief of UFO’s. She would travel to the deserts of Sedona, Arizona (“the New Age capital of the world”) with other New Agers in search of them. Her testimony can be viewed here: youtube.com/watch?v=F-r3hJEq3nc It is a bit long (55 minutes), so if you want you can fast forward to the 30 minute mark where her conversion story begins. She also has a website: moiranoonan.com/index.html
I would always suggest speaking to a priest when it comes to spiritual warfare. However in the meantime, you can also make use of the sacraments to keep you spiritually protected: confession, reception of the Eucharist frequently. You can also make use of sacramentals such as holy water, and hang up crucifixes around your home. Also prayer, particularly the rosary. Most importantly I would suggest getting rid of anything in your home associated with New Age or Occult - literature, jewelry, etc. Having such items in your home is an invitation for evil. There are ways to properly destroy them which can be found here: saintpiocenter.org/materials/destroycursedobjects.pdf
I wish you all the best with your pregnancy and pray you find peace in your home and dreams.
May God bless you,
Secondly there are **no such things **as aliens and UFO’s. As Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the Chief Exorcist in Rome stated in his book, “An Exorcist Tells His Story” (the chapter on the Power of Satan): “Just as it would be wrong to deny the existence of Satan, it is also wrong to accept the prevalent opinion that there are spiritual beings that are not mentioned in the Bible. These are the invention of spiritists, of followers of the occult, of those who espouse reincarnation, or of those who believe in “wandering souls”. There are no good spirits other than angels; there are no evil spirits other than demons. Two Councils of the Church (Lyons and Florence) tell us that the souls of those who die go immediately to heaven or to hell or to purgatory. The souls of the dead who are present during seances or the souls of the dead who are present in living bodies to torture them are none other than demons. God allows a soul to return to earth only in very rare, exceptional cases, but we recognize that this subject is still full of unknowns.” Furthermore, if you look under the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance on the Saint Padre Pio Center website saintpiocenter.org/selfhelp/sevensteps.shtml UFO’s are considered New Age and Occult activity/philosophy and must be confessed and renounced.
Also, there is a woman by the name of Moira Noonan who is a New Ager turned Catholic and had a profound conversion experience with Christ. She was heavily involved in the New Age and the Occult, including the belief of UFO’s. She would travel to the deserts of Sedona, Arizona (“the New Age capital of the world”) with other New Agers in search of them. Her testimony can be viewed here: youtube.com/watch?v=F-r3hJEq3nc It is a bit long (55 minutes), so if you want you can fast forward to the 30 minute mark where her conversion story begins. She also has a website: moiranoonan.com/index.html
I would always suggest speaking to a priest when it comes to spiritual warfare. However in the meantime, you can also make use of the sacraments to keep you spiritually protected: confession, reception of the Eucharist frequently. You can also make use of sacramentals such as holy water, and hang up crucifixes around your home. Also prayer, particularly the rosary. Most importantly I would suggest getting rid of anything in your home associated with New Age or Occult - literature, jewelry, etc. Having such items in your home is an invitation for evil. There are ways to properly destroy them which can be found here: saintpiocenter.org/materials/destroycursedobjects.pdf
I wish you all the best with your pregnancy and pray you find peace in your home and dreams.
May God bless you,