Science has nothing to do with wisdom, and wisdom is crucial to human flourishing.
Science has nothing to do with philosophy/reasoning.
Science has nothing to do with art/beauty.
Science has nothing to do with literature.
Science has nothing to do with politics.
Science has little to contribute to history.
Science uses mathematics, but arithmetic/geometry predate the scientific revolution.
What does science contribute to ethics?
Science has no way of helping us to deal with the overarching categories of life (Adler’s great ideas) that fascinate all of us, all the time: Being, Cause, Chance, Change, Equality, Eternity, Fate, God, Infinity, Necessity and Contingency, the One And the Many,
Quality, Relation, Same and Other, the Universal and the Particular, Good and Evil, Courage, Desire, Duty, Happiness, Honor, Prudence, Virtue and Vice, Custom and Convention, Tyranny And Despotism, War and Peace, Experience, Habit, Justice, Love…
There is a long list of things that science cannot explain and can’t even contribute anything meaningful to…