Can Science Explain Everything?

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No, I don’t believe science can explain everything. Mind you I am and Engineer, so I have some significant buy into science. But that doesn’t mean science has nothing to do with faith and in some cases nothing to say about it. I certainly do not but into the creation, flood, etc. as bring true; I feel they were a way people tried to reason their existence. That said, the sequence of the creation story is in some parts interestingly similar.
Science can’t answer the question of whether science can explain everything. The question is a philosophical one, and not one which can be empirically verified.

Science has nothing to do with wisdom, and wisdom is crucial to human flourishing.
Science has nothing to do with philosophy/reasoning.
Science has nothing to do with art/beauty.
Science has nothing to do with literature.
Science has nothing to do with politics.
Science has little to contribute to history.
Science uses mathematics, but arithmetic/geometry predate the scientific revolution.
What does science contribute to ethics?

Science has no way of helping us to deal with the overarching categories of life (Adler’s great ideas) that fascinate all of us, all the time: Being, Cause, Chance, Change, Equality, Eternity, Fate, God, Infinity, Necessity and Contingency, the One And the Many,

Quality, Relation, Same and Other, the Universal and the Particular, Good and Evil, Courage, Desire, Duty, Happiness, Honor, Prudence, Virtue and Vice, Custom and Convention, Tyranny And Despotism, War and Peace, Experience, Habit, Justice, Love…

There is a long list of things that science cannot explain and can’t even contribute anything meaningful to…
Have you read recent book of Alvin Plantinga - Science, religion and naturalism. He does a good job of tackling the issue, starting out with the premise that there is no conflict between science and religion. This position was famously held by Pope JPII as well.
Science can not even fully explain in its realm that it can measure! Science and philosophy, like faith and reason, show the best of each when used to complement each other.
Interesting to note that the tone of this thread is as if science is something against religion or christian faith ! Science is also a precious gift of God given to men for examining and understanding in detail any issue.The more and more we examine some thing scientifically, more and more secrets are revealed by God for the beneficial use of men.
If science can’t explain something,nothing can explain it more.No need to take a stand that science and God can’t go together.
Many people don’t take this position. Certainly this is not the position of the Catholic church. I can’t speak for some fundamentalist protestants who take the Bible literally.
Science can explain matter but can’t explain why there is matter

Science can explain caused causes but can’t explain the uncaused cause (“God”) since by definition the uncaused cause transcends realm of science
Math and science gave us Google. Google can explain everything. Therefore, science can explain everything. (It’ll also give you a lot of junk, but let’s not worry about that for right now…)

Disclaimer: I work for Google, but this should not be taken as an official statement from the company, though. The comment is also very tongue-in-cheek in case that wasn’t obvious enough.
Science can’t explain how science works. For that you need philosophy of science.
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If something really works,science can explain how it works.If not fully today,but surely tomorrow!God won’t stand as a stumbling block in man’s pursuit for knowledge, He will happily help man in that.
Many things science cannot explain. For example why is the earth crust cracked leading to plate tectonics when a similar size planet like Venus is not?
Can science explain what it cannot explain?
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Just google the scientific explanation.Where else you get a more correct explanation?
Many things science cannot explain. For example why is the earth crust cracked leading to plate tectonics when a similar size planet like Venus is not?
That is exactly the type of inquiry open to scientific inquiry and explanation.
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