This is way off subject, but I just wondered how your priest handled the baptism of your daughter. Was there any trouble with it?
If you are to abstain, is your husband able to do this without feeling unloved and overly tempted to stray? HOw does your husband feel about the whole thing?
I would think the best thing to do is to avoid Communion until the marriage is recognized as being valid, although it would be difficult not receiving Communion.
Your priest may misunderstand the Church rules on dealing with your particular situation. I don’t know, but considering the danger you may put your marriage in by abstaining for such a long period, i would do my best to find out if there is anyway to spead up the process and still be according to Church Law. 5 months is a long time for a couple, especially a young couple. I think it tempts people with adultery. Your relationship certainly could be strengthen through marital chastity, but if your husband isn’t up for the challenge, there could be serious problems.
So, where does your husband stand on this issue? Is he totally dedicated to Church Teaching or does he not understand the whole situation and get frustrated by your unwillingness to have sex?
If you are to abstain, is your husband able to do this without feeling unloved and overly tempted to stray? HOw does your husband feel about the whole thing?
I would think the best thing to do is to avoid Communion until the marriage is recognized as being valid, although it would be difficult not receiving Communion.
Your priest may misunderstand the Church rules on dealing with your particular situation. I don’t know, but considering the danger you may put your marriage in by abstaining for such a long period, i would do my best to find out if there is anyway to spead up the process and still be according to Church Law. 5 months is a long time for a couple, especially a young couple. I think it tempts people with adultery. Your relationship certainly could be strengthen through marital chastity, but if your husband isn’t up for the challenge, there could be serious problems.
So, where does your husband stand on this issue? Is he totally dedicated to Church Teaching or does he not understand the whole situation and get frustrated by your unwillingness to have sex?