To me, “free will” has always been sort of a theoretical concept. God gave us this thing called free will ostensibly because he wants us to chose to love Him and not be a slave or robot to His will.
But in a practical sense, free will doesn’t really exist because the consequences for not “choosing” to follow Him are so great (i.e., going to Hell) that whole point is rendered moot. You have no choice but to love and follow Him if you want to go to heaven.
If I were to hold a gun to your head and say “I want you to be my friend. You have free will and you can decide for yourself what you want to do. But if you do not choose to be my friend, I will kill you.” Now, assuming that you do not want to die you will opt to be my friend even though you may not like me.
Some “choice”, wasn’t it?
So God is, in effect, saying “Be my friend or I will kill you. Worship me, praise me, follow me, obey my commandments or else your soul will wind up in Hell. It’s your choice.”
So much for “free” will.