Can someone please tell me what the Tiber swim team is?

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I know this isn’t exactly the most heady of threads, but what can I say… I’m curious… what is the Tiber swim team?


These are converts to Catholicism. They “swam the Tiber” into the arms of the Church in the Vatican. I am a cradle Catholic who never left for another church, so I am not a member of the swim team, but I guess I am a fan of theirs or I could be a coach.

Then I guess I swam the river in April '98! I didn’t technically convert, but I received baptism, first communion, and confirmation!!!

Tiber Swim Team
Class of 1998 - Whoo-hoo!
I’ve only got a few more weeks until I join the team. I’m currently in training (i.e, RCIA). Come on Easter Vigil!

Tiber Swim Team Apprentice
Class of 2008
I’ve only got a few more weeks until I join the team. I’m currently in training (i.e, RCIA). Come on Easter Vigil!

Tiber Swim Team Apprentice
Class of 2008
You’re a towell boy (girl) LOL:thumbsup:
These are converts to Catholicism. They “swam the Tiber” into the arms of the Church in the Vatican. I am a cradle Catholic who never left for another church, so I am not a member of the swim team, but I guess I am a fan of theirs or I could be a coach.
Actually, you are. We are all born into Original Sin (ie: we are all born on the wrong side of the Tiber) and we all “swim the Tiber” when we receive our Initiation into the Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion - you just did your Tiber swim during childhood. 😉 👍
Actually, you are. We are all born into Original Sin (ie: we are all born on the wrong side of the Tiber) and we all “swim the Tiber” when we receive our Initiation into the Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion - you just did your Tiber swim during childhood. 😉 👍
Well, ok then. I swam it in 1972. I still would rather call myself a fan or a coach. Too much work to swim.😉

Thank you for the “unheady” post. I’ve been here for a few weeks and wondered that too. Thanks for clearing that up. Being a ‘senior’ citizen, I’m not terribly familiar with all this text message shorthand you find on these threads (IMHO, SAHM, SA, DD, DH, etc.etc. ad infinitum). Those of us who grew up with black and white TV, manual typewriters, vinyl albums and 45’s, and carbon paper among other things find it all a bit much. In the words of Vinnie Barbarino, "I’m soooo confused!! Keep asking those questions, a lot of us are listening. 🙂 🙂
I know this isn’t exactly the most heady of threads, but what can I say… I’m curious… what is the Tiber swim team?


In case no one actually mentioned it, the Tiber is a real river in Italy:
"The Tiber (Italian Tevere, Latin Tiberis) is the third-longest river in Italy, rising in the Apennine mountains of Tuscany and flowing 406kilometres through Umbria and Lazio to the Tyrrhenian Sea. It drains a basin estimated at 18,000 km². The river has achieved lasting fame as the main watercourse of the city of Rome, founded on its eastern banks." - Wikipedia
Basically, it runs by Rome, where the Vatican is. People say they “swim the Tiber” into Rome (the Catholic Church).


Then I guess I swam the river in April '98! I didn’t technically convert, but I received baptism, first communion, and confirmation!!!

Tiber Swim Team
Class of 1998 - Whoo-hoo!
WELCOM to the Tiber Team … I’d never heard the phrase until seeing the TAG lines here at CAF … it is really sweet …

RAR, you did technically convert if you received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist [your First Holy Communion] … the Rites of Inititation becoming a Christian … converting from being a non initiated christian to the faith of and in Jesus … 👍

If you had already been Baptized in another Christian denomination but made a ‘profession of faith’ receiving Confirmation and Eucharist, then technically you would not be a ‘convert’ [already being a ‘christian’ by virtue of your baptism] but would have just completed the initiation process within the catholic faith …

Lots of times christians will speak of conversion as the process by which you move from being [for example] Baptist or Methodist to Catholic … but Technically, they are not converts …

Conversion is a turning away from sin and embracing the Gospel bcoming one with Christ … so to speak …

Again, welcome Did you realize that this EASTER will be your Tenth Anniversary 👍

Will ou be doning something special to celebrate?

Thank you for the “unheady” post. I’ve been here for a few weeks and wondered that too. Thanks for clearing that up. Being a ‘senior’ citizen, I’m not terribly familiar with all this text message shorthand you find on these threads (IMHO, SAHM, SA, DD, DH, etc.etc. ad infinitum). Those of us who grew up with black and white TV, manual typewriters, vinyl albums and 45’s, and carbon paper among other things find it all a bit much. In the words of Vinnie Barbarino, "I’m soooo confused!! Keep asking those questions, a lot of us are listening. 🙂 🙂
I am a convert from atheism. My conversion experience happened one evening in 2003 and I was confirmed in 2005. :):)🙂

By the way, here is a little help with the shorthand.

Thank you for the “unheady” post. I’ve been here for a few weeks and wondered that too. Thanks for clearing that up. Being a ‘senior’ citizen, I’m not terribly familiar with all this text message shorthand you find on these threads (IMHO, SAHM, SA, DD, DH, etc.etc. ad infinitum). Those of us who grew up with black and white TV, manual typewriters, vinyl albums and 45’s, and carbon paper among other things find it all a bit much. In the words of Vinnie Barbarino, "I’m soooo confused!! Keep asking those questions, a lot of us are listening. 🙂 🙂
I agree, joeybaggz, I only recently figured out how to use the quotes & smiley faces…😉
I am a cradle catholic and like to say I was a tadpole and then I swam away from the Church for quite sometime and realized I was swimming on the wrong team, and in dangerous waters and aquired lots of bad fish food and so came back and joined healthy water and getting fed and nutured and vitamins through all the other schools of fish. 🙂 Ahhh so nice to be in fresh waters!🙂

So it was like a completion; just had to add that:)

Thank you for the “unheady” post. I’ve been here for a few weeks and wondered that too. Thanks for clearing that up. Being a ‘senior’ citizen, I’m not terribly familiar with all this text message shorthand you find on these threads (IMHO, SAHM, SA, DD, DH, etc.etc. ad infinitum). Those of us who grew up with black and white TV, manual typewriters, vinyl albums and 45’s, and carbon paper among other things find it all a bit much. In the words of Vinnie Barbarino, "I’m soooo confused!! Keep asking those questions, a lot of us are listening. 🙂 🙂
Hi, Joey welcome, I am in your generation too and stick around you will learn alot. Isn’t computers (puters) cool! They still say cool!
Lots of times christians will speak of conversion as the process by which you move from being [for example] Baptist or Methodist to Catholic … but Technically, they are not converts …

Conversion is a turning away from sin and embracing the Gospel bcoming one with Christ … so to speak …

Again, welcome Did you realize that this EASTER will be your Tenth Anniversary 👍

Will ou be doning something special to celebrate?
It’s funny, because I became Catholic almost 2 years ago, and at first I was not sure about using the term convert because I was already a committed and baptized Christian.

I’m not uncomfortable with using that term anymore, even if it technically may be incorrect, because I have in a sense had a conversion of thought, of reason, if that makes sense. The fog of doctrinal confusion has lifted and I think much more clearly now. It was like being “born again” - again. 😉 😃

Then I guess I swam the river in April '98! I didn’t technically convert, but I received baptism, first communion, and confirmation!!!

Tiber Swim Team
Class of 1998 - Whoo-hoo!
NO, actually, it’s a group of ne’er-do-wells who trespass on Vatican property and take illicit skinny-dipps off the back-porch of the Pope’s river-front appartment!

My first foray will be this Easter Vigil! 🙂

…I do hope I don’t get in too much trouble!
NO, actually, it’s a group of ne’er-do-wells who trespass on Vatican property and take illicit skinny-dipps off the back-porch of the Pope’s river-front appartment!

My first foray will be this Easter Vigil! 🙂

…I do hope I don’t get in too much trouble!
NO, actually, it’s a group of ne’er-do-wells who trespass on Vatican property and take illicit skinny-dipps off the back-porch of the Pope’s river-front appartment!

My first foray will be this Easter Vigil! 🙂

…I do hope I don’t get in too much trouble!
:eek: :blushing:
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