Free will has two words the first one is very difficult to understand in determinism framework where as the second one not. The will is the tendency toward performing an action. In another there are potentialities in occurrence of events that they are represented as options in conscious mind of an agent. There is a problem here since there could be a conflict between being conscious of two options and determinism since determination only accept one potential option hence having two options is meaningless. This means that it just appears in the mind that there are two options but in reality there is one and another option is an illusion. The problem of freedom appears when we are dealing with a situation that two options are potentially equivalent. This of course disturbs deterministic picture since one and only one action is possible so the question is how the whole picture evolve. Consciousness plays no role here as we know that it could be fooled. There is no way that consciousness could evaluate the exact state of subject matter to conclude that two options which are presented are fully equivalent unless one claim that this is exactly what consciousness does when it comes to an ambiguous situation where a decision is needed. A decision then is random in the first case where as in the second case it is free. Consciousness of course cannot play any role in the second case when it come to decision since that requires a preference, once the preference is in the place then that distort the equivalence of the options hence the decision is not free because two potential options are not fully equivalent anymore. So the question is what plays the dominant role in such a situation if it is not consciousness. This is called intellect or subconsciousness which we cannot have any conscious access to. Our consciousness is only become aware of decision when decision is made. In another word we cannot make conscious decision which is free.