I didn’t meant sole logically when I talk about reason, by reason I meant any new thing that could be experienced and could bring an agent attention to a subject matter, whether is need like hunger, some thoughts, some spiritual experience, etc. This is called consciousness, the awareness from the subject matter caused with a new experience.Not everything in life is reasoned out logically. Sometimes decisions are based upon the mood of the day, spur of the moment and not necessarily thought out logically. There are others who changes their mind every few seconds or so. Just now A looks good, wait, B looks ok too a few moments later but what the heck let us go with C. That was my wife.
And there are many many variables that may not be quantifiable or clearly identifiable that goes towards decision making, so called sixth sense, or just a flippant attitude towards certain things. They do exercise their free will i.e. they really want to exercise the power to make a decision but in another person’s mind that was the most terrible decision ever made.But to that decision maker, no reason need to be given, sometimes the reason proferred if pressed is “I like it that way” but if prodded more " the other way is also ok, no big deal. Actually, all the other options are all ok.". You could have a range of nonsensical reasons to justify something which may be illogical to one but entirely acceptable to another.
Now, here is the question: is consciousness necessary and enough for a decision?
There are only two options, yes or no. We are not free if our decisions are based on sole consciousness since the consciousness is simply the awareness from subject matter and if that is enough you fall in chain of causality meaning that there is no room left for the freedom. We could be free if the consciousness is necessary but not sufficient for a decision. The question is then what is that entity that is sufficient for a decision, and grant us power and freedom as well? That I call subconsciousness or intellect. It is logically impossible to understand how intellect make this decision because the we need to bring out the role of intellect to consciousness, once it is experienced the related decision is not free afterward until new intellect is built up. The story is a little long but we could discuss it further if you wish. For example what is really intellect and how it is built.
So the answer to the question whether we can make conscious free decision is no (please also read previous comment) since consciousness is necessary for decision but it is not enough to grant freedom hence those decisions made based on sole consciousness are not free.The whole thing about free will is that
a) the decision maker has the power
b)not coerced
c) does not assume decision maker is omniscient. He may be lacking certain information or thought he knew certain knowledge but was actually mislead. The usual conditions apply i.e.
Know what he doesn’t know, doesn’t know what he doesn’t know etc.
So the question whether decision made in the absence of full information (which usually no one possess) but the decision maker is aware as to the ramifications based upon what he knows, is a conscious free decision or not has to be a yes. You knew what you did.