Can we make errors in heaven or do we know all consequences?

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Great answer . God probably tells us ahead of time or something .

But I am Still confused On the whole accidental venial sin thing … because I can willfully do something wrong and erroneous and bad without knowing that I am doing such a thing … wouldn’t this be legitimately called a venial sin… since the intent doesn’t change the Bad object carried out by the will?

For example misrepresenting someone on accident might qualify as a venial sin? Hmm idk

Couldn’t you voluntarily commit a bad act without intending to and wouldn’t this still be sinful ?
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Great answer . God probably tells us ahead of time or something .

But I am Still confused On the whole accidental venial sin thing … because I can willfully do something wrong and erroneous and bad without knowing that I am doing such a thing … wouldn’t this be legitimately called a venial sin… since the intent doesn’t change the Bad object carried out by the will?

For example misrepresenting someone on accident might qualify as a venial sin? Hmm idk

Couldn’t you voluntarily commit a bad act without intending to and wouldn’t this still be sinful ?
There is no involuntary mortal or venial sin, as the Modern Catholic Dictionary explains:
Sin is a deliberate transgression of a law of God, which identifies the four essentials of every sin. A law is involved … God is offended … Sin is a transgression … And the transgression is deliberate …
Actions that are sinful, imprudent, or erroneous, all involve choices.
Angels all made one choice, long ago.
Humans make other choices during our lifetimes. With choice, there’s always the possibility of a choice that is less good than others. Choice has a purpose in this life.

I can’t envision making choices in Heaven. There’s no lesser good.
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Ok I now see my problem thank you

1751 The object chosen is a good toward which the will deliberately directs itself. It is the matter of a human act. The object chosen morally specifies the act of the will, insofar as reason recognizes and judges it to be or not to be in conformity with the true good. Objective norms of morality express the rational order of good and evil, attested to by conscience.

So basically The object needs to be deliberate?
And the intent is why your deliberately doing this voluntary action ? I think I got it now … so there is no such thing as accidental sin?
Transgressions may be voluntary and involuntary. Where there is no culpability for an act or omission it is called a material sin, not formal sin.
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Thanks , so basically all sins are transgressions but not all transgressions are sins . involuntary transgressions are just called material sins but are not actual sin aka formal sin…
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